Page 45 of Rise After Fall

“And there couldn’t be any hate without love,” I finish.

“What does that mean?” Maxi asks.

“Just that people don’t walk around hating people they don’t love or still love to some degree. If there is no love left, then there is only indifference,” Corbin explains.

Maxi ponders that for a moment. “Like Isley and Langford.”

“Yep, Mom was sure right about those two,” Corbin says.

“I don’t know. I’m a pretty proficient hater,” Maxi states.

He winks at her. “Only when it comes to people you love.”

She looks at him and furrows her brows. “That’s true, too, now that I think about it,” she admits.

Then, she looks at me for a long moment. “I think this is different. I believe the pretense of hate is there to cover up the annoyance of love.”

“Annoyance of love? What the fuck is that?” I ask.

Corbin laughs and slaps me on the back. “Spoken like a man who has never been there. Just wait, brother. Just wait.”

Clay and Scooter return just as the beers hit the bar. They grab two before heading over to throw darts.

Kinley takes the stool beside me, we turn and settle in to watch the idiots lose a week’s pay to a couple of local boys.

After another round, Kinley leans her head against my shoulder and yawns.

“I’m getting tired.”

I look down at my watch.

“It is getting late. Let me settle the tab, and we’ll head out,” I tell her.

I raise my hand to get Maxi’s attention.

“How are you getting all of them home?” I ask Corbin.

The women get progressively intoxicated and progressively lively as the night passes.

“I can get Maxi, Mom, and Ansley in my truck. Graham is going to swing by and get Taeli, Erin, Jena, and Leona. Isley was supposed to be taking Anna, Brandee, and, I guess, Zoey home, but she started feeling sick and left. Shit, I might have to make two trips unless we call Pop.”

“Why isn’t West coming to get Anna?” I ask.

“Because he’s got Kaela and he doesn’t want to get her up.”

“This group gets any bigger, and a couple of you guys are going to have to trade your trucks in for passenger vans,” I tease.

Scooter taps my shoulder.


“Last call was half an hour ago. Are we leaving soon?” he asks.

“Why is last call at eleven thirty?” Clay asks.

“Because everything in Balsam Ridge closes at midnight,” Corbin informs them.

“That’s lame,” Scooter says.