Page 42 of Rise After Fall

I nod.

She sniffles.

“Are you okay?” I ask.

“Sorry, it’s hormones. I start babbling out of nowhere.”

“You love your husband and his family. It’s a great thing to be emotional over.” I pat her hand.

“Thanks for not making me feel like a freak. I swear, thisgrowing a humangig is not for the faint of heart.”

We pull into the parking lot of the brewery and hear our names being called as we exit the car.

Erin’s head pops up above the fence around the patio area. “It’s about time.”

“You know I’m moving slower these days,” Isley calls back.

“Waddle your ass on in here. We ordered for you already.”

We walk inside and see the women seated at a long table to the right of the bar.

We take the empty seats at the end of the table.

“Grab a plate. We just ordered one of everything to share,” Erin says.

“Perfect. I’m starving,” Isley says.

“Here, I’ll help you,” Jena says as she starts loading a plate.

“Thanks. I have to pee again.” Isley stands and heads to the restroom.

“We need another round. I’ll get it,” Brandee says.

“Order Mom a glass of rosé, please. She just texted, and Mayor Gentry is dropping her off now,” Taeli requests.

“Gotcha,” Brandee says.

Five minutes later, Leona breezes in like a unicorn.

“Mom, what are you wearing?” Taeli asks.

“It’s a muumuu. Isn’t it wonderful? It even has pockets,” she says as she demonstrates, placing her hands in the pockets and twirling.

“You can see right through it,” Taeli tells her.

“I know. That’s why I’m wearing a sports bra and my period panties,” she says as she raises the hem of her cover-up and shakes her hips.

“Ew, you’re what?” Erin asks.

Leona turns to her. “Period panties. But I have on the boy-cut ones. So, they’re like shorts.”

“Mom, I’m not sure you understand what those are for,” Taeli quips.

“Yes, I do. And, boy, are you gals lucky. I wish we’d had these as an option when I was a girl,” she says.

“Okay, so you realize you don’t need them, right?” Taeli asks slowly.

“Yes, Taeli, I know I’m over the fertility hump, but I knew we were going to be doing some dancing tonight, and, well, these help with the moisture control situation.” She whispers the last three words.