Page 3 of Hope After Loss

“This is lovely,” I say.

“It’s a shithole, but it serves the purpose,” he says.

I giggle at his candidness.

“Is that my desk?” I ask.

“Yes, ma’am. I also cleared the closet beside the bathroom for you. You’re welcome to store your belongings and any supplies you need in there. You and I are the only ones who will be in and out of here regularly, so everything should be secure, but we’ll add a lock on the door for you just in case.”

“Thank you.”

“If you want to get settled and pour yourself some java while I run out to talk to my agricultural manager, we can go over everything when I get back.”

“That sounds great.”

“Make yourself at home, Anna,” he says.

I watch as he disappears out of the door. I plop down in my new desk chair and sigh.

Maybe I need to buy a plant or two.


Istart down the steps and then decide to turn back around. I open the door and poke my head back inside the office.

Anna is sitting behind her desk with a look of relief on her face.

When she sees me, she straightens up. “Mr. Tuttle, did you forget something?”

I look around as I step in and then turn to look out into the parking lot.

“Can I help you find it?” she asks.

“I’m just looking for my father.”

“Are you expecting him?”

“Must be. He’s the only Mr. Tuttle I know.”

She gives me a look.

“Weston. I expect you to call me Weston. None of that mister stuff,” I tell her.

“Did you forget something, Weston?” she asks.

“Actually, I came to see if you have any other shoes with you.”

Her eyes flit to her feet. “Um, no. Is there something wrong with these?”

“Not a damn thing. Men love a woman in a pair of sexy heels,” I mutter.

Did I say that out loud?

Her eyes fly back up to meet mine.

Shit. Put a lid on the flirting, Tuttle.

I clear my throat. “I wanted to show you around the property, introduce you to the staff, and explain what we do here. It might be easier to walk the farm in more comfortable shoes,” I explain.