Page 8 of Hope After Loss

“I know Auntie Leona is a lot of fun and probably spoiled you rotten.”

She looks at me as if she understands every word.

“How about we celebrate by taking a bath, getting into our pajamas, and snuggling on the couch to watch some true crime?” I ask her.

She squeals.

“Yeah. It sounds like a good idea to me too.”


The rest of the week flies by. Kaela loves being in the office, and the fact that Weston picks her up and tosses her in the air every time he walks in the door is a big part of her joy. I nearly lost my mind the first time he did it, but seeing her shrill in delight helped my heart to stop racing.

He’s great with her, so gentle, and his big, strong hands are always there to catch her.

It’s been just the two of us from the beginning, so I’m not used to trusting her with anyone else. It’s good for the both of us for our world to open up and expand a little.

I just have to learn to relax.

I awaken to the sound of rumbling engines and men’s voices.

Shaking the sleep from my head, I crawl to the end of the bed and lean over to peek out of the blinds.

My bedroom window faces the side of the house and looks onto my neighbor, Brandee’s, property, so I don’t have the best view of the front yard, but I can see a few trucks parked around our cul-de-sac.

What is happening?

I grab my phone from the bedside table and see that it’s six in the morning on Saturday, and it begins to ring.


“What the hell is going on?” Brandee’s groggy voice greets me.

“I was hoping you would know.”

“Ugh, give me five minutes, and I’ll call you back.”

She clicks off the line just as an irritated cry comes over the baby monitor.

I get up and throw on the robe that was hanging on the back of my bedroom door, drop my phone into its pocket, and head to the nursery.

“Shh, it’s okay. Did those loud noises scare you?” I coo as I pick Kaela up and soothe her.

We settle into the rocking chair, and she nurses while I hum a lullaby.

Both of us are dozing back off when my phone starts ringing again.


“Can you come outside?” Brandee asks.

“Yeah, let me lay Kaela down, and I’ll be right out.”

I carefully place the sated baby back in her crib and make my way to the front door.

When I open it, I’m met with a crowd of men, equipment, and supplies piled in my yard.

“What’s going on?” I ask as I step out onto the stoop and close the door behind me.