Page 19 of Hope After Loss

“Do you want me to wash my face and try these now?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “No. Take those home and use them for a week or so. Let me know if you like them compared to your normal products. I’d like to know if you see any improvement in your skin or any reactions you’re not crazy about. All the ingredients are organic and natural,” he assures me.

“All right. I’ll do that.”

He moves them to the side. “Now, let’s talk packaging.”

I follow him to his desk, and we look through the packing and labeling examples that the manufacturer emailed to him.

I give him my opinion on the bottle shapes and color glass options. We look at different label colors and logos and fonts. By the time lunch rolls around, we have several different combinations in mind.

“I’ll have a rendering done of a few of these so we can see what they will look like. I’d love to have these ready to introduce to the market in late spring or early summer,” he says.

“I think some of these will sell very well in the valley boutiques. Tourists will be looking for gifts and souvenirs, and these will offer them a unique piece of Balsam Ridge to take and experience at home. You can add a website link on the labels for reorders to ship directly to them,” I suggest.

“Shipping? Ugh, that would be a hassle.”

“Yeah, but you can’t expect a woman to change her skin care products and not offer her a way to replenish her supply. We’re very loyal to our brands. If she uses it and likes it, she’ll use it forever.”

He shrugs. “The boutiques could ship to them.”

“They could, but you could set up a monthly reorder for them. It makes it convenient for them, and it generates automatic sales for you. Think of the number of visitors this town gets every year. You offer the women an all-natural product that can only be found here and give them exclusive access through your website, and they will flock to it,” I tell him.

“You think so?”

“I know so.”

“Maybe we could set up a website. I’ll have to talk to Mom. She handles the website for Rocky Pass Vacation Rentals.”

“I’d be happy to build one for us, and I can maintain it,” I offer.

“You do websites?” he asks.

“I can.”

The front door to the office opens, and Morris steps inside, followed by Tucker.

“Hey, Uncle Weston,” Tucker greets.

“Hey, bud. What are you two up to?”

“We came to see if you wanted to go have lunch with us and help me cheer this one up,” Morris says.

“What’s wrong with you, little man?” Weston asks.

“They want our mascot to be The Aliens,” Tucker answers.


“He’s been upset since they left the team meeting for his new intermediate baseball league last night. I picked him up from school for his doctor’s appointment this morning and he’s been griping the whole time,” Morris explains.

“I take it, you aren’t a fan of the choice?” Weston asks his nephew.

“No. That’s a stupid mascot. I want to be a big, scary animal, like a wolf or a panther or something cool.”

“I think that’s a great choice. What’s wrong with aliens?” I ask.

They all turn to me.