Page 47 of That One Regret

No, he wasn’t. Not usually. But he wasn’t exactly feeling peaceful now.

“Is Grace okay?” he asked, his voice thick.

“She’s shaken. She loves that horse like nothing else. But she’s a strong person, she’ll be fine. Now the shoe is back on, she can ride to her heart’s content.”

He nodded. “Thanks for keeping me updated.”

“Thanks for watching out for my animals,” Logan said. “I owe you a beer.”

“Any time.”

Michael ended the call and went to grab a carton of milk from the refrigerator.

And then he sawher.

Standing at the back door, her hair in a high ponytail, her face free of makeup. Grace pulled her lip between her teeth like she was trying to work out what to do.

Her skin was glowing like she’d been running or exercising. She was wearing a gray tank and a pair of black shorts. They looked washed out and old. But so, so soft.

Their gazes caught, and she swallowed before her lips curled into a smile. He walked over, flicked the lock, and opened the door.

And said nothing. Because everything he had to say happened last night.

“Can I come in?” Grace asked.

He stepped aside, and she kicked her boots off, leaving them on the back step before she walked in.

“I came straight from the stables,” she said, as though in explanation.

And still he said nothing. Because talking just led to arguments.

He was so fucking tired of them.

She stepped closer, her brows knit. “Hi.”

He nodded.

“I just came to talk…” She exhaled heavily. “To say I’m sorry. I messed up.”

He turned to grab his coffee. Focused on it because he didn’t know what else to say. He could negotiate deals worth millions of dollars. Intervene in what felt like unsolvable conflicts between sports stars and their teams.

But right now? Nothing. Just staring. And wishing things were different.

Wishing he could pull her against him and bury his face in her hair. Maybe then he’d feel better. Grounded.

Because he felt anything but that standing here.

“Can you say something?” she asked.

“Like what?” he asked, his voice rough. He took a sip of his coffee.

“Like you were a bitch, Grace. You didn’t give me a chance to say what actually happened. You made assumptions, and they were the wrong ones, and now I’m pissed at you.”

He swallowed. “Yeah, that.”

She tipped her head to the side and the smell of hay wafted over him. “You saved my horse.”

“Your horse would have been fine without me.”