Page 5 of That One Regret

Where she’d be starting work next week.

“I can recommend the whiskey,” he said, glancing at his own glass.

“What label is it?”

“G. Scott Carter. The international blend.”

Her heart did a little leap. That was her parents’ whiskey. Or at least it was made at the distillery they owned.

The place she’d be working at a week from Monday.

“I hear it’s good,” she murmured.

“It’s the best. Can I buy you one?”

She nodded. Okay. One would be fine.

When the barman brought it over, Suit lifted his glass and clinked it to hers. “To bets and whiskey.”

“Bets and whiskey.” And steel-blue eyes I could get lost in if I let myself.

“What’s your name?” he asked her.

“Ella.” She had no idea why she lied. Maybe to protect herself. You couldn’t be too careful in the big city. And maybe she was still a little tetchy about her best friend forcing her to do this. “How about you?”

He took another sip of his drink. “People call me Irish.”

She smiled. “You don’t look Irish.”

“Nor does Bono.”

“What part of Ireland is your family from?”


She laughed. Then took a sip of whiskey and it made her feel like she was home. Sure, she loved the French wine she’d been working with for the past few years, but whiskey was in her blood.

“My father was half Irish,” he said. “Which I guess makes me a quarter. Apparently enough for my team mates never to let me forget it.”

“Team mates?” she asked him.

“College football. That’s where I got the nickname and it stuck.”

Oh, he was a football player. “Do you still play?” she asked. Her uncle used to be in the NFL. She could definitely have a conversation about football.

“No. Gave up after graduation. I wasn’t that good.” He shrugged.

“So, what do you do now?”

“I’m an agent,” he said. “Sports management. How about you?”

She shifted her feet. “I’m between jobs. Just finished working at a vineyard in France. About to start working at a new place in my home town.” She took another sip of the whiskey. “This is my first day in the US in almost four years.”

“You picked a good day to come back,” he joked.

“Right? Nobody told me about the biblical floods.”

He laughed. Damn, he was attractive. She found herself moving a little closer to him. His gaze dipped to her lips, and she liked that a little too much.