Page 125 of That One Regret

* * *

Grace had done her best to hide the gash on her temple, but even with her hair down there was no covering up the bandage she’d put on it this morning, replacing last night’s attempt at covering up the sticky sutures.

When she and her mom had gotten back to the farmhouse, her mom was freaking out at the blood still streaming down Grace’s face. Even when she pointed out that it was mixed with perspiration, she still hadn’t calmed down.

In the end, Logan had taken her into the farmhouse and helped clean her up, patiently sticking sutures onto her skin, while murmuring to Becca to chill the hell out before she worked herself into a frenzy.

And then she’d faced the second battle, when her mom wanted Grace to go home with her, so she could keep an eye on her in case of concussion.

But Grace still hadn’t talked to her dad yet. And there was no way she wanted to spend the night in the house with him. So she’d stubbornly refused and driven herself home despite her mom’s protests, promising she’d see her at church.

That was one reason she was sitting in their family pew right now. The other reason was Delilah. Presley’s little girl was making her debut in the church choir, and the whole family had turned up to support her. She looked angelic in a white dress, her hair pulled back into a French braid Grace knew for certain Presley hadn’t done. That man could play a guitar like an artist, but he knew nothing about hair.

Still, seeing her cousin’s little girl look so happy at the corner of the church warmed Grace’s heart.

She was glad she came, even if she knew the whole family was muttering about her.

The Hartson family – and extended members – took up most of the five front pews.

More than one of them was shooting her an interested look right now.

So the story was out. They knew about her and Michael. She caught her cousin Marley’s eye, and he smiled at her, sympathy softening his features.

Yeah, they knew but they also loved her. Somehow that felt warming.

More people were still coming into church, even though it was only a few seconds until the service was about to start. Any minute now Reverend Maitland would come out and they’d all stand up. Not that they’d have to do it quickly. The old reverend walked like a snail nowadays.

“Oh,” her mom whispered. Then she took Grace’s hand in her own. The sound of chatter behind her increased and Grace turned around, frowning to see what the issue was.

And that’s when she sawhim. Looking devastating in a dark suit and tie. Freshly shaven, his hair short and neat, his face impassive as he stood at the back of the church.

It hurt to even look at him. But she wasn’t going to show it. Not when everybody was watching them like a hawk.

There was no way she’d give him the satisfaction of thinking that she was upset by him being here. Even if he never came to church before.

Jutting her chin out, she watched as he followed his mom and Cam down the aisle of the church. Sabrina was behind him, and when she looked at Grace, she rolled her eyes.

That was so Sabrina.

It was only when he was closer that she finally let her gaze rest on Michael. From here she could see the dark circles beneath his eyes. And there was a small cut on his lip, like he’d cut it shaving.

That gave her a grim sense of satisfaction.

Lifting her gaze, her eyes met his. A jolt of electricity rushed through her. His expression didn’t betray a thing. His jaw was tight and his mouth thin as he glanced at her temple.

Then she saw the twitch. Was he annoyed at her for not returning his call? Good.

The organ started and then the choir sang and she was so relieved at not having to look at him anymore. She’d been an idiot to think she was getting over him.

Because his rejection hurt more than any cut could. And she wasn’t sure how to make it stop.

* * *

“You okay?” Presley murmured to her as they walked out of the church.

“I’m fine.” She smiled at him, even though it took some effort. “Delilah was fabulous. I guess good voices run in your family.”

“And in yours,” he pointed out. “You’re family, too.”