Page 95 of That One Regret

Happy Crap, she’d heard it called. Little pieces of junk that made their customers happy because it was free.

Whatever it was, she still smiled at the memory.

Mia’s phone buzzed. Before she could even pick it up, a smile was pulling at her lips. “It’s Michael,” she said. “What’s he doing up at this time?”

Grace quickly calculated the time difference. It was just after seven in the evening in West Virginia, which made it after midnight in London. She knew from talking with Michael all week that he’d been working late every night, trying to tie up loose ends so he could sell the business.

“Hello honey, you’re up late,” Mia said when she’d accepted the call.

“Just checking in with you. How are you doing today?”

She’d put it on speaker phone and Grace’s heart did a little leap to hear his voice. She’d spoken to him earlier, while she was getting ready to go out. He’d insisted on a video call so he could watch her.

She’d liked the look of heat in his eyes as she’d showed off her short white dress to him.

“I’m good. Just finishing up a few things at the office with Richard.”

Grace knew that Richard was Michael’s partner. His ex-wife’s brother.

“So late?” Mia asked. “How is he?”

“Good. We’re both tired. I’m looking forward to getting back for some rest.”

Cam laughed. “I’ve never heard driving your mom back and forth to the hospital called rest before.”

“It beats trying to shake off jet lag. What are you two up to?”

“Another early night for me. Sabrina’s going out tonight to watch Presley and Marley’s band.”

“She is?” Michael’s attempt to sound surprised made Grace want to laugh. He was a terrible actor.

“I thought Sabrina told you. She said you and her messaged earlier in the week,” Mia said, her brow wrinkling. “Didn’t you tell her to be good, and she told you she already had a dad?”

Cam coughed out a laugh. And Grace bit her own smile down because it sounded so much like Sabrina.

“Oh yeah, that’s right. I forgot.”

“You weren’t wrong, though,” Cam said, shaking his head. “She needs to be good. Did you hear that Presley insisted she have a chaperone? You should be happy that you’re in London, otherwise it would have been you.”

“Thank goodness for Grace,” Mia said. “She’s here, by the way. You should say hi.”

“She’s with you now?” Michael asked, sounding surprised.


“Hi Grace,” he said softly.

“Hi Michael.” It was stupid how much hearing him made her want to smile. “How’s London?”


She already knew this. It had been raining for days.

“It’s very hot here,” she told him. “I think I’d prefer the rain.”

It was such a pointless conversation. Words they’d already shared a few hours before. And yet her chest felt warm and achy at the same time.

“You wouldn’t. Everything’s gray. It’s like being in a black and white movie.”