Page 117 of That One Regret

“Tired. But everything is looking good. I had an appointment with my doctor today. Next week should be the last one for therapy.”

“That’s great news.” At least that was something. In all this mess, his mom was getting better. After this week, she’d be able to relax more, not sit in a car for hours and get worn out. “I have some news, too.”

“You do?”

His throat tightened. He had to tell her. If he didn’t, she’d find out another way. “Yeah. Can I just get Cam? I’d like to tell you together.”

“Is it bad news?”

He wasn’t certain how to answer that. “Not for me,” was the best he came up with. “And hopefully not for you, either.”

“Now I’m intrigued.” She gave him a smile that reminded him of when he was young and the two of them were a team. He’d help with Josh and she’d work her fingers to the bone.

Damn, he loved her. And he hated that he’d caused problems in the family she adored so much.

“Get Cam,” she said. “I can’t stand the suspense.”

The football game was on a break when he walked into the kitchen. Cam was sharpening knives – he loved to cook and his knives were his babies. “Hey, you ready for that beer now?” he asked.

“Can I talk to you first?” Michael said. “I want to tell you both something.”

“Okay.” Cam shrugged. “Now?”

“It’s as good a time as any.”

Cam put the knife he was holding back into the huge wooden block and ran his hands under the faucet, drying them on a towel. His phone buzzed and he checked the screen. “Wait up. Looks like we have company.”

Michael’s stomach dropped. He knew who it would be without even having to look.

“It’s Daniel and Becca,” Cam said, squinting at his phone. “No, wait, just Daniel.”

Of course it was.Shit.It was now or never. “I need you to stall him for me.”

Cam shot him a confused glance. “Why?”

“Because he knows about me and Grace.”

There was a moment of silence. Cam blinked, as though taking in Michael’s words. “You and Grace? As in Becca’s daughter?”


“You two…” Two little creases appeared above Cam’s nose, like he was trying to work things out. Then he looked at Michael. “Grace? Really?”

“Daniel’s not happy about it. And Mom…”

“She doesn’t know?” Cam asked.

Michael shook his head. “Not yet. That’s what I wanted to tell you both.”

“Christ.” Cam raked his fingers through his hair, pulling the strands out of his face. “Your mom’s not well.”

“I know. That’s why I wanted to break it gently.”

“This isn’t fucking gentle, Michael,” Cam growled.

Yeah, he knew that. And it was his fault. Daniel knew it. Cam knew it. His mom would know it soon.

“Christ,” Cam said again. “What a mess.”