Page 45 of Strictly for Now

“I didn’t say I was falling for her. I said I liked her.”

“You gave her your hoodie.”

Myles turns around from the seat next to Liam and lifts a brow. “You gave her your hoodie? That’s awesome!” He says it in a Californian accent, as though we’re all at middle school.

I put my hands up in exasperation. I knew I shouldn’t have said anything. “She was cold and I had a sweatshirt she could wear. We’re not fifteen, it meant nothing.”

“Yeah,” Liam says. “It’s not like he gave her his sperm.” He draws that last word out, making Myles wince.

“You make it sound like a sordid transaction,” he mutters. “Ava and I are married.”

“But you weren’t when you first gave her your little tadpoles,” Liam grins. He’s enjoying himself. He’s never happier than when he’s riling our oldest brother.

“I was in love with her. She wanted a baby.” Myles gives him a pointed look.

It’s a long story, but Myles and his wife met at work. And at first they hated each other, but somehow Myles found out that Ava was trying for a baby alone and offered to help. Between donations they fell in love.

“I’m not in love with Mackenzie,” I say.

Liam stops the cart abruptly.

“Then why are you chasing her? You’re forty-years-old, aren’t you getting tired of no-strings sex.”

I groan because that’s not what I meant. “I like her,” I tell him. “And I want to get to know her better.”

“And you want to bone her.” Liam smirks.

“Can we go to the green now?” I ask him. “I’d like to be out of here before dark.”

“Myles needs to get out of the cart first,” Liam says.

“Why do I need to get out?” Myles asks.Is he pouting?

“Because your ball is there,” Liam says, pointing at the fairway. “And ours is on the green. So go hit your ball and we’ll see you there.”

“I’m not walking to the green,” Myles says. “Wait for me here.”

“Didn’t you hear what Eli said? He wants to get out of here before the sun sets. If we wait around for you it’ll be tomorrow by the time we’re done.”

Myles reaches over him, muttering to himself as he grabs a wedge from his golf bag and stomps to his ball.

I miss Holden. He’s the peacemaker in our family. He’d have butted their heads together by now.

Liam whistles as we watch Myles look at the ball and then at the green. “He’s gonna take all day,” he says. “Just to piss me off.”

“Are you two this bad at work?” I ask him. They run a company together in Charleston, and I can only imagine the way they must bitch at each other in the boardroom. I feel sorry for the staff they’ve recruited to work for them.

“Nope. We save it for when we’re with you.”

“Gee, thanks,” I say. I love these guys but I want to be at home. Or at the stadium. I idly wonder what Mackenzie is doing.

Liam gets out of the cart and stretches his arms up, letting out a groan. “You know where I should be right now?” he asks me.


“In bed with my damn wife.”

I glance at my watch. “It’s the middle of the afternoon.”