Page 38 of Shatterproof

Swallowing my snickers is almost impossible. “I’d love some water.”

“Coming right up!”

To my surprise, Ali’s exit doesn’t just allow for Slater to return to my bedside – where he immediately un-fluffs to aggressively re-fluff my pillow – but it also allows for my youngest brother – who is just two years older than me – to come barging in. “Arlez, you okay?!”

“Terence,” exasperation at my best friend can’t be contained. “You called Terence?”

“Of course, Wahl called me!” A defeated hand toss is wedged between sentences. “Why wouldn’t you want him to call?!”

“I didn’t say I didn’t want him to call.”

“Kinda sounded like that, Angel Cake.”

“Right?!” T gestures his large, dark palm Slater’s direction. “You heard it!”

“This,” my hands wave through the air, “is what I didn’t want!”

“See, I knew you didn’t want him to call me.”

“And who are you, if you don’t mind me asking?” Harv cautiously inquires, shoulders pushing themselves back to lengthen his spine.

“You don’t know her brother T?” Slater’s perplexity is unmistakable and swiftly redirected to me. “How does henotknow your brother?”

“He never met him.” Assuming where the line of questioning is headed next prompts me to add, “Anyof them.”

“Should he have?” T quirks a curious eyebrow. “Am I missing something?”

“Sounds like we both are,” sighs the southern accented man determined to make my headache worse.

“Terence meet our boss Harvey Lenkov. Harvey Lenkov meet my youngest big brother, Terence.”

The two shake hands at the same time T compliments, “It’s nice to know you care so much about your employees.”

Before Harv can imply we are anything else, Slater smoothly echoes, “It’sreally niceto know he caresthis muchabout hisemployees.”

Momentarily shutting my eyes is attached to a heavy inward sigh.

Any chance I could convince that sweet little thing to bring me a shot of tequila instead?

Tequila really does make everything better.

“What exactly happened?” T resumes speaking to me shifting my stare back to his. “All Wahl said was that there was an incident at work that he would be looking into and that you had been rushed here because of a concussion.”

“Possibleconcussion,” Harv attempts to amend.

“No, shehasa concussion,” the unrequited love of my life immediately argues. “It’s just a matter of if it’s minor or major.”

T tosses Slater an inquisitive look. “They order a CT scan?”

“It’s been mentioned andwill bementionedagainwhen her doc arrives.”

“Who is it?”


“Not a total tool.”

“But enough of one to insist she needs more than a band-aid and an icepack?”