I was a goner long before that moment, but after it?
I knew exactly where the other half of my soul was.
Would always be.
“Wahl,” Lila gingerly calls out, drawing my attention away from the distance it had disappeared into. “I think it’s safe to say that nothing’s gonna happenhere…” Her finger gestures to the empty space between us. “So, how about we drop the charade. The pressure. The fucks to give about possibly getting laid and just talk.” Seeing her eyes flood with kindness catches me by surprise. “Youclearlyneed to talk to someone about this woman, and I’d bet the very expensive heels on my feet that Blu is ofno helpin that department.”
Chortles escape at the same time I lift my bottle to have another swig. “Not unless you consider singin’ to me ‘Do Your Nuts Hang Low’ on and off for twenty minutes during our drive home helpful.”
“Exactly.” She giggles, a sound that’s pleasant yet makes me miss Arley’s even more. “You need to talk, and I love a good love story – it’s the only shit Netflix even bothers recommending to me anymore – so really, this is a win, win scenario.”
More snickers slip free.
Lila’s fingers curl around her cocktail glass to lift it to her lips. “Why haven’t you told her how you feel?”
“I don’t wanna ruin what we’ve got.”
Her bluntness receives an amused grunt. “Pardon?”
“That’s. A. Cop. Out.” Watching her head bounce side to side on every word encourages me to chuckle again. “I don’t want a copout. I wantthe truth.And we’re talkingthe real truth.The truth you can only tell a complete stranger because you know you’re probably never gonna see them again.”
Chances are I won’t.
She lives on the outskirts of the city.
She travels a lot.
And honestly, I’m not exactly in the market for new friends.
Especially not ones who would rather watch soccer than hockey.
“Tell me the scary truth, Wahl.” She leans back in her seat, glass clutched closer to her chest. “Why haven’t you told her how you feel?”
Being impressed and intrigued by the approach pushes me to reply openly. “I’m not her type.”
Lila’s brow pulls tightly together. “Is she blind?”
Louder laughs are accompanied by a mirth-filled shoulder shrug. “She’s a bit visually impaired, but her collection of glasses simply adds to her adorableness.”
“Is shedeaf?” Additional appall appears in her expression. “Can she not hear you when you say shit like that about her? Do you not say ittoher? Is that the disconnect?”
“I don’t think a day goes by that I don’t dote on that woman.”
“Then what is it? Wrong plumbing?”
“You could say that.”
“Oh…okay,” she enthusiastically nods, “I get it. I was mostly into chicks in college. Even had atinycrush on Vi Vi at one point. And honestly, if the right one came along nowadays, I’d still be open to a relationship with one.”
Confusion doesn’t hesitate to cake my face. “What?”
“She’s not into dudes, right? That’s what you’re saying.”
“No.Nononono,” I rush to explain while frantically headshaking. “Angel Cake-”
“Angel Cake?!” Lila slaps one hand dramatically over her heart. “You call her angel cake?!”