Page 18 of Shatterproof

“Like ananti-Pinky and The Brain?”

“Your heads not that big.”

“But you think I’m that brilliant?”

“Iknowyou’re that brilliant.”

It’s my turn to board the don’t blush struggle bus.

“Before I go…I uh…I wanted to run somethin’ by you first.”

Seeing flickers of the baby blue penetrating his speech again prompts me to put my beverage down and sit up attentively. “Shoot.”

“I know first night hometypicallymeans takeout at your place and STN for all the best hockey highlights-”

“Hot goss.”


“The eyebrow raising relationship status of our current Dragons owner is totally more goss than news.”

“Yeah, but trackin’ trades and injuries is more news than goss.” He immediately scoffs. “I can’t believe you jus’ got me to say the word goss.” A slow headshake is accompanied by a gag. “I hope you know they’ll have my man card if that shit gets out.”

Giggling is a mindless response. “Your secret’s safe with me.”

“It better fuckin’ be.” His grin is briefly flashed once more. “First night home typically meansthator action movie roulette-”

“I’m out of tequila.”

“Noted.” His smile falls to a nervous position yet again. “But…would um…Would you mind if we postponed that shit a day?” Surprise cracks my jaw just an inch, something that pushes him to swiftly explain, “It’s jus’ I’ve got this date scheduled and that I didn’t realize was scheduled because Aviva told her college roommate that I’d be available because I’d be home – not botherin’ to verify I didn’t have other plans – and since we’d already pushed the shit back four times because of work Aviva – again – just assumed it’s what I’d want and-”

“Hey,” my hand reaches out to land comfortingly on his arm, “it’s totally fine.”

He lets his stare linger a little too hard at where we’re connected.

A little too long.

A little too hot for me to leave it there any longer.

“Hoes before bros,” I impishly taunt returning my fingers to my mug. “I get it.” There’s no stopping the newest giggles that his mortified sneer creates. “We can just bro out another night instead.”

“For the love of my dear ma in church on Sunday, please stop fuckin’ callin’ me a bro.” He pops up from his position to retrieve his dessert. “I’m too close to touchin’ forty for that shit.”

Additional snickers swirl around the room brightening his beam even more.

God, I love how much time we spend smiling.

And laughing.

I know it’s trite to say; however, I swear it’s like life stands still when we’re together. Traps us in a tiny bubble of snorts and sniggers and smirks that make me feel like we’re the only two people in the whole world who matter.

Who exist.

Will it always be like this?

Can it?

Probably not if he ever decides that settling down is more fun than rescuing twin toddlers off a pirate ship on the coast of Jamaica.