Page 82 of Shatterproof

Slater flashes me a short smirk, lets his head fall forward, and releases a long sigh of relief that I almost instantly echo.

I hope after what just happened, he never questions my loyalty again.

Because Iabsolutelydo trust him.

To protect me.

To care for me.

To love me.

To know that no matter what the circumstances are, he can trust me, too.

To follow his lead in the middle of a dangerous situation.

To have his six whether we’re dealing with a car chase or dominating atTaboo.

I will always be there for Slater Wahl.


Even if it means needing my heart patched up next time instead of my arms.

Chapter 12


I hate that I have to meet him.

And not in that “everyone hates meeting with their boss” bullshit sort of way.


I don’t give a fuck that he’s my boss.

He’s her fuckingex-boyfriendandthat’sthe shit that matters here.

That’sthe shit that has me wanting to unpack my rifle right here in the lobby of the range.

Load it.

Angle it in the direction of the door to take him out with one shot before he’s even pulled onto the property.

It’s not the fact that he’s had my woman that bothers me.

I’m notthatirrational.

Arley’s a fucking gorgeous woman, in her thirties, who hasobviouslyhad men in life before me. She’s not a virgin and I don’t wish that she was. It’d honestly piss me off more if she were. Angel Cake has enough hang ups about being “enough” in this world as is, if you tacked on her never having been touched in that sense, it would only amplify that insecurity.

I don’t ever want it amplified.

I only want it dulled or dead.

Him having been with her in that aspect may rub me the wrong way – any day that ends in y – but what really chaps my ass is that this asshole is like a bad fucking penny. Healwaysturns up at the worst time.

Always manages to stopmefrom having her the way he once did.

The way he’ll never fucking have her again.