Page 1 of Shatterproof

Chapter 1


There are people in this world who jump out of planes for their country.

Others who do it for work.

Some who simply do it for fun.


I’m one of those rare individuals who’s done it for all three.

But currently?

There’s an R&R contract – Rescue and Recovery – with the company I work for – Haworth Enterprises – that requires a certain willingness to plummet from the aforementioned aircraft into the coldest depths of the ocean.

I’ve done it to help rescue astronauts from water landings.

Why wouldn’t I do it now to save a child that’s being held for ransom?

A playful grin glides onto my face at the same time I lock eyes with Khary Blumel, my second for the mission as well as one of my best friends. “You ready, Blu?”

“Why do you look so fucking excited?” His caramel-colored forehead scrunches in irritation at the same time his voice bites through my state-of-the-art, waterproof ear com. “No motherfucker should bethatexcited to jump out of a plane, Wahl!”

“That’s where you’re wrong.” Arrogant chortles are launched into the air. “Every asshole should bethisfuckin’ excited to jump out of a plane, Blu.” One cocky wink is wedged between sentences. “See you down there.”

Without another word, I shove the mouthpiece in place, take a step backward, offer a two-finger wave, and then jump.

My lack of looking before I leap is what I callstyle.

And where’s the fun in life without a little bit of that shit?

Plunging into the deep, frigid waters is about the level of exhilarating that I was expecting. On one hand, the uncharacteristically low temp for October would be enough to make my balls retreat for being put in such hostile fucking territory if they could actually feel it – shout out to the tactical tech team for creating such an amazing suit that they can’t – but then again, on the other hand, water this cold is the type of shit that’s good for thesoul.

Cleanses it of the laziness that comes from working on the chiller side of shit better known as PS – Private Security – and then buffs out whatever remains of the complacency in order to make an actual fucking difference in this world.

And don’t get that shit tangled.

Rescuing children – regardless of who their fucking parents are – always makes a difference.

It sure as hell did for me.

And I believe with every ounce of my heart, it will for those I’ve helped return home.

Most only take R&R assignments if the price tag going in is high, then even higher once you’ve returned the target; however, me and Blu live by a different set of standards. If the mission involves rescuing a child – inanyfucking way – we’re in.

Not kidnap.

Not transport.

Not exchange.

Just. Rescue.

Does it always pay as well as some of the other avenues?
