Page 8 of Just Don't Fall

Giving me a quick glance, he hands a paper across the desk to Parker. “I brought you that list, Boss,” he says. To me, he nods and says, “Hey, man.”

I nod back, but Parker beams as her eyes scan the paper. “Thank you! This is awesome, Felix.”

“See ya.” He’s gone before Parker can introduce us. At this point, I’ve heard so many names, I’m likely to forget anyway.

But I am curious about the paper Parker’s still eyeing. “What’s that?” I ask.

She folds it once, then tucks it into her purse. “A list of book recommendations. Felix is our goaltender and resident bibliophile.”

“Does everyone around here call you Boss?” I ask.

What I don’t ask:Are all the guys in love with you?

Maybeloveis the wrong word. But for most, there’s definitely more than respect. Almost every one of them—maybe Felix aside—seems like they’d jump at the chance to be with Parker.

“Most of the players do. Not because I’m in charge of anyone. It’s because I’m bossy. Soon, you’ll be just another one of the guys, calling me Boss too.”

I have no desire to be just another one of the guys, and not just because my time here should be brief. This team is a stepping stone. A brief interlude. A placeholder until I get called back up to the NHL. Hopefully.

But that’s not the only reason I don’t want Parker to see me as just one of the guys.It’s because of our history,I tell myself. I was just as protective of her as Brandon was back in the day. I’m sure it’s just more of that protectiveness making me feel so thrown off by other guys showing her attention.

“Why don’t I talk you through how we’ll welcome you on social media?” Parker says. “It won’t be so bad. You’ll see.”

Doubtful. There’s no way she could package this in a way that makes it notsobad. Unless she’s going to let me get away with not speaking and barely showing my face. Chances of that are nonexistent.

“I’ll ease you in with a player profile,” Parker says, clicking her mouse until a printer whirs to life, sounding almost as loud as her computer.

When Parker leans back to grab the single sheet from the printer, I tense, ready to leap across the desk and catch her if the chair gives way. I’m mildly disappointed I don’t get the chance to swoop in and save her.

I’m no white knight,I chastise myself.Probably best not to pretend I am one.

Righting herself in the chair, Parker slides a piece of paper my way. I glance down to see what looks like a form.

“As soon as you fill it out, I’ll make a plan for a video interview. I already have some ideas. I’m lucky to have known you way back when. Even if a lot has changed.”

She sounds sad when she says that. I wonder if she missed me as much as I missed her when we fell out of touch—more precisely, when I ghosted everyone from my past. Guilt is an emotion I don’t allow myself to feel most of the time. It’s wasted energy. And yet, seeing Parker, I’m filled with fresh guilt and a heavy dose of regret over my stupid barely-an-adult decisions.

“And before you even think aboutnotfilling out the profile, it won’t get you out of filming,” Parker says, and I’m slightly unsettled she knew where my mind went. “It will just mean I can’t tailor what we do to what you’re comfortable with.”

“So, you’re saying I’ll be even more miserable if I don’t fill this out.”

She beams at me. “I’m glad we understand each other, Logan.” The smile disappears, and she pins me with a no-nonsense look. “I'll expect it on my desk by the end of the week.”

I’m already starting to see why the guys all call her Boss.

Jerking my chin toward the door, I ask, “Is that normal? Do guys just drop in here to see you constantly?”

Parker blinks at me. Then a slow smile steals over her face. “You don’t know?”

I frown. “Know what?”

“They all came here to seeyou, Barnes.”

“Oh.” That’s unexpected. And now I feel like a jerk for not being more friendly.

Still, I’d bet Parker has no idea how they all seeher. Because it was obvious to me that most of the men who walked through the door would take any scrap she threw their way. Maybe they were here to meet me. But for many of them, that’s not the only reason.

Either way, I’m not here to make friends. Not that I usually do anyway. But especially not here. The goal is to get in, prove my worth so my team wants me back, and get out. The end.