Page 64 of Just Don't Fall

The best I can do is enjoy the night and hope I’m not left shattered when Logan leavesagainsometime in the not-so distant future. Thinking of him eventually leaving doesn’t even sober me up. I am punch drunk on Logan.

Giving my cheeks a little slap—thanks for the suggestion, Mia—I stride out of the bathroom.

I’m not prepared for Logan leaning against the wall outside, staring intensely at me the moment I exit. I’m not sure I fully got to appreciate him in his tux earlier. I was too nervous and worried about how I looked. Now, as I take him in, I feel the need to pinch myself. Or maybe give myself another—harder—slap?

A slow smile breaks over his face as he peels himself off the wall and moves my way with panther-like fluidity. My steps falter—stupid heels—but Logan is right there, steadying me.

“Thanks,” I say, giving him a sheepish smile. “I’m better on skates than in heels.”

“Me too.”

I can’t help but laugh at this, and a few people just entering the hotel glance our way. With Logan holding my arms, the two of us standing much too close, I’m sure we look like a couple having a private moment in a side hallway.

Itfeelslike we’re a couple having a private moment.

“We better head inside,” I say.

Logan offers me his arm, and I’m only a little disappointed he doesn’t take my hand again. On the plus side, I get to feel his firm biceps underneath my fingers. Zero complaints on that front. Would definitely recommend. A glowing Yelp review will be forthcoming.

“I have to warn you,” I tell Logan as we enter the room already filled with people. “My dad will still probably try to pawn me off on some son of a businessman.”

Logan frowns. “You’re not a pawn, Parker.”

Be still, my swooning heart.

I think I need to raise the bar for what inspires swooning. Not being a pawn should be the baseline of common decency.

“Tell that to my dad,” I say.


I have a sudden vision of Logan pulling a nobody puts Baby in the corner kind of moment. Yes, that would be epic. No, my dad’s birthday gala is probably not the place.

I pat his chest with my free arm. Also very deserving of a Yelp review. “I appreciate the sentiment, Wolverine, but keep your claws in. I’ve got this. Plus, remember my promise to stick to you like glue? It serves a dual purpose. Dad can’t hand me off to some other guy if you’re with me all night.”

“So, I should stay with you all night. Got it.”

I know he means stay with me all nighthere, at the party. But a wicked little part of me is picturing me and Logan kissing outside my door later tonight. And because this part of me has a very active imagination, it’s now picturing Logan kissing me pressed upagainstmy door later tonight.

Which reminds me—my door is right next to Logan’s door now. Because we’re neighbors. How isthatgoing to work?

“Do you have any furniture?” I ask, scanning the crowd for my dad. Best to make a doting daughter appearance early.


“In your new apartment. How are you going to sleep there if you don’t have furniture yet?”

He shrugs.

“You can’t just sleep on the floor, Logan. You need good sleep. Your body is your paycheck.”

He chuckles, then brushes a lock of hair back from my cheek. It’s too quick for me to relish in the feel of his fingertips on my skin. I want to shake that stubborn hair loose so he’ll do it again.

“I’m glad you’re worried about me, Pete. But I refuse to be objectified—my body is much more than a paycheck.”

I pinch his arm. “Shut up. You know what I meant. Oh! There’s my dad. Let’s get this over with. Deep breaths.”

I’m saying this as much for Logan as myself. I would really like to enjoy what will likely be the ONLY date I EVER go on with Logan—reminder: it’s not a real date—and to do so, we need to get the not so great stuff out of the way first. Namely: seeing my dad and Brandon. I warned Brandon to be on his best behavior, but at some point, he and Logan probably need to talk.