Page 27 of Just Don't Fall


Well,that could have gone worse.

Logan could have laughed in my face. He could have looked disgusted. Or said he finds me so unattractive that he couldn’t imagine going on a date with me.

Those are responses I might not have recovered from. I would have ducked under my desk, curled up into a ball, and promptly died if Logan did any of those things. My successor would move into my office and have to use my bones as a footstool.

So, see? It could have gone worse.

But it did not exactly go swimmingly.

“Let me get this straight,” Mia says, setting her wine glass down and looking a little too amused. “Logan didn’t say a word?”

“Not a single one.” I take a sip of my root beer, the only kind of beer I like. Mulligan’s has it on tap, which is why I always insist on coming to this sports bar near the stadium instead of the fancier bars Mia prefers.

“And he just … got up and left your office?” she asks.

“He did.”

“And he’s avoided you ever since?”

“I mean, I wouldn’t say avoided. He’s busy. I’m busy. And it’s only been a day, so … yeah. Fine. He’s avoiding me.”

My best friend stares at me, and I think she’s trying to decide if she’s allowed to laugh, or if she has to pretend this isn’t hilarious. She must really feel sorry for my humiliation because she doesn’t laugh, though she does use her wineglass to hide her smile.

I bet ifshewere the one to ask Logan, he would have said yes. No questions asked. With her modelesque height, dark hair, and bright blue eyes, Mia turns heads in every room. Even since we sat down a few minutes ago, I’ve seen several men trying to catch her eye.

Yep. If I looked like Mia, maybe things earlier would have gone down differently.

After seeing the blank look of shock on Logan’s face when I confessed my lie, I got nervous and kept babbling. I was like some kind of old, rusty fountain that just kept spewing up junky water. I told Logan I wouldn’t make him dance with me and promised to pay for his tux (which in all honesty, I can’t really afford) and said it was a fake date anyway since I lied. Andthen, I said he’d be saving me from being set up with a guy who only liked me for my boobs.

I cringe now, just remembering that I actually saidboobsto Logan. I swear when the word came out of my mouth, his eyes twitched and his face tensed, like he was trying to hold back a Pavlovian response to glance at my chest. To his credit, he kept his eyes locked on mine.

I ended the runaway mouth train by reminding him it was not arealdate, just one night, and that it wasn’t marriage.

Yes, I also said the wordmarriage. To a guy who hasn’t agreed to go on one date that’s not even a real date.

It was like I studied a primer on how to scare a guy off. I could star in the sequel toHow to Lose a Guy in Ten Days—How to Lose a Guy in Ten Seconds.

Which was worse: talking about my boobs or mentioning the M-word?

Or lying in the first place when he said he hates people lying about him?

I’m honestly not sure.

I don’t tellallof the embarrassing details to Mia, but it’s like sheknows. Probably because I can hide nothing from her.

She knows how I’m always about one breath away from dropping my practiced poise and slipping into an overflow of the mouth situation. She knows once I start, there’s no stopping.

More than all this, Mia knows how I feel about Logan. How I’vealwaysfelt about Logan.

Groaning, I drop my forehead to the table, which I realize too late is sticky. Oh, well. I’ve already touched down. Might as well stay. Story of my life.

“This is a huge mess,” I mumble. “It’s a terrible idea. Isn’t it?”

Mia’s tone softens. “I honestly don’t know. I mean, part of me wants you to go for it. At the very least, it would help get Logan out of your system. Finally.”

Do IwantLogan out of my system? That’s the question. I somehow doubt spending an evening with him as my date would do anything to quell my feelings. If anything, I might getideas.