Page 117 of Just Don't Fall

He grunts, hands me the rose, and skates off.

Felix is next and after he asks, I raise my eyebrows. “In addition to the fact your actual girlfriend would be heartbroken, I have to say I’m taken.”

“Got it.”

With each guy, my heart beats faster and faster. My face starts to cramp from smiling. But I still don’t see Logan when Eli brings up the rear.

He flutters his lashes at me. “Will you do me the honor of being my bride?”

“Sorry, Eli. I can’t.”

Eli nods, his smile growing wider. “I thought you might say that.”

Handing me his rose, Eli winks before skating off. The guys have gone back to the bench, and now I’m alone in the middle of the rink.

Waiting. Hoping. Trying to manage expectations JUST IN CASE this isn’t what I think it will be.

But … this is a proposal, right? All that’s missing is the soon-to-be fiance.

The lights suddenly cut out, making me gasp. I am NOT here for being in pitch black on the ice. But a moment later, the speakers crackle to life again, and I hear the voice of our normal announcer.

“Coming in at six foot two and two hundred twenty pounds, left winger out of Charlotte, number seventeen, Logan Barnes!”

My heart leaps as the spotlight reappears, jumping over to illuminate Logan skating out of the tunnel. My grin is enormous, and the guys on the bench all cheer, pouring out to follow Logan as he skates laps, dribbling a puck as he goes. The music switches to Bruno Mars’s “Marry You.”

And now, of course, I’m a puddle of tears.

After what seems like an almost interminable wait, Logan skates up to me, the guys flanking him on either side. He passes the puck to Van, then drops to his knee, sliding to a stop in front of me.

A little too fast, as he bumps Fancy Chair. I squeal as I start to glide back, but Logan grips my thighs. With a firm yank, he tugs me toward him.

There’s that grin only I am privy to most of the time. The one I feel proprietary over. It’smysmile.

I reach out and trace the scar I love on his chin. “You’re here,” I say, sniffling.

“You’re crying,” he says.

I wave my hand holding all the flowers. “If you ignore it, it’ll go away. I’m very happy to see you. But I think it’s only fair to tell you that I’ve received a number of proposals today.”

“Have you, now? Any of the offers tempting?”


The guys groan, but Logan’s smile widens. “Van?“ he says. “The puck.”

Van gently sends the puck toward Logan, and as it reaches Logan, I see a small box taped to the top. The kind of box rings come in.

I bite my lip as he removes his gloves, then picks up the box. His green gaze pins me in place, his smile replaced by an earnest sincerity that makes my heart skip.

“Pete, I love you. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life showing you just how much. Little ways. Big ways.” His eyes suddenly look heated. “Alotof ways.”

Logan opens the box, and I almost would rather him just ask because it isn’t about the ring but I can’t help making a strangled sound when I glance at it. Definitely a rock. A big one. And it’s pink.

Parker pink.

“I’ve shockingly received your father’s blessing. And your brother’s.”

It honestly is a little shocking, but then, Dad has been slightly better about loosening his grip on me. Slightly.