I had a sudden intrusive thought of slapping her face as hard as I’d slapped Callum’s last night. Despite the satisfaction it would give me, I resisted.
“It’ll be a quick trip,” I said. “Please? I’ll even tell him it was your idea.”
“Mm, no thanks. I’m not trying to have Dad think I’m trying that hard.” She sighed, reached for the fuzzy pink bauble on her keys and tossed the ring over to me. “Just take the Mercedes. I don’t care. Have it back by two, Everly, do you understand? I swear if it’s one minute later, I’m going to tell Mom you’re the one who put ghost pepper oil in her eye cream.”
“I’ll have it back by two and not a second later,” I said, leaving before she could change her mind. She’d get her car back eventually, but certainly not by two. Once the police hauled it out of the lake I planned to drive it into, she could drive wherever she pleased.
My plan was simple: head down to the Historical Society, and while Dad was distracted running in and out of various meetings and phone calls, grab the grimoire, and run. Drive up to the forest near House Laverne, hide the vehicle, and meet up with Callum to get back to the house by nightfall.
Perfect. Simple. Not scary at all.
God, I was fucking terrified.
It was a relief to see numerous vehicles parked in the lot as I arrived at the Historical Society building. Plenty of people meant plenty of other suspects. Waiting in the car for several minutes, I kept my eyes open for Callum. Although I hoped it wouldn’t be necessary, he would ensure my father was distracted while I got the grimoire.
But five minutes passed. Then ten.
Callum didn’t appear.
Frowning, I got out of the car and whispered his name. Had I misunderstood the plan? This was the only day we could hope to pull this off while my father was distracted with his meetings. Looking around impatiently, I called his name again.
I was running out of time; I couldn’t wait around for him any longer. Maybe he was already inside, keeping my father distracted. My hands were now clammy, and my chest tight, but I couldn’t let fear control me.
With two lattes in hand, I walked straight in the front doors.
“Oh! Hello, Miss Everly!” The secretary, Janet, waved to me cheerfully from behind the desk. She was a graduate from Abelaum University, blonde and curvy. Exactly the type my father usually went for. “Are you looking for Kent? Mr. Hadleigh, I mean?” She gave me a sweet but slightly nervous smile. “I think he’s still up in his office. But you better hurry to catch him, he has a meeting in five minutes.”
“Oh, gosh, I’ll hurry then!” I waved to her quickly and headed up the stairs, toward my dad’s office. The more rushed my father was, the better.
Rapping quietly on the door, I waited until I heard him mumble, “Come in,” before entering.
He looked up from his desk, clearly surprised to see me. “Ah, Everly. I wasn’t expecting you.” He frowned. “How did you get here?”
“Victoria let me borrow her car,” I said, adding quickly, “She wanted me to go get coffee for her since she’s still getting ready for…well, I don’t know what she’s getting ready for. But I figured if I was already out, I’d bring you an Americano.”
Giving him the most innocent smile I could muster, I held out his beverage. He still looked surprised but took it without hesitation.
“Well, that’s kind of you,” he said. “Unfortunately, I only have — Shit!”
Right as he lifted the cup to his mouth, the loosened lid allowed hot coffee to pour down the front of his shirt and jacket. He swore again as I scrambled, apologizing profusely as I helped him pull the jacket off.
I could feel the weight of the grimoire in the inner pocket as I draped the jacket over the back of his chair.
“The lid must have cracked,” I said forlornly as he vainly tried to sop up the stain from his white shirt with tissues. “Do you want me to go home and grab a change of clothes —”
“No, no, don’t bother,” he snapped. “I’ll just ask Janet for my — Well, I likely have a spare coat in the closet downstairs. I’m going to be late for the damn meeting.” He left the room, urging me out the door. “God, this stain. Give me a few minutes, the meeting will be quick. You and I can grab lunch afterward, eh?”
“Oh…yeah…yeah, sure!” I tried not to sound too panicked as he hurried off toward the stairway. Shit, the last thing I needed was for him to immediately come looking for me after his meeting. I thought I’d have a little time to get away first.
I’d have to make this quick.
The moment he disappeared down the stairway, I rushed back inside his office. The building only had security cameras around the perimeter, outdoors, so I wasn’t worried about being recorded. As I rifled through his jacket, I found the grimoire in his pocket.
I could barely breathe as I took it out. I didn’t expect such a swell of emotion, such an instant and undeniable feeling ofrightness. I held years of my ancestors’ studies, their devotion to their magic, their blood, sweat, and tears. Their hands had touched these pages, scrawled these words.
Hurriedly, I shoved the book into my bag. Unlocking the window, I pushed it open, hoping to make it appear the thief had entered and exited that way. Shutting the door behind me, I walked as swiftly as I dared toward the stairs.