Page 47 of Soul of a Witch

“My father’s demon is downstairs.” She lowered her voice. “He’ll know you’re here.”

“He certainly won’t.” Nuzzling my face into her neck, I inhaled the sweet scent of her, and a deep growl rumbled in my chest. “If anything, all he’ll smell is you. He’ll think you’re pleasuring yourself.”

Her breath hitched before it slowed and deepened. “I-I don’t want him to think that.”

“Mm, are you sure?”

She wasn’t. She arched her back, pressing her ass against me, and giving me better access to her neck. Fuck, she was such an innocent little thing and yet so ravenous. She’d been starving for years, and one taste of the bliss she’d been denied was all it took to awaken her.

Everly was working herself up just from grinding against me. But I had a different plan for her; as much as I longed to feel her warm pussy clinging around my cock, her body was going through enough already with those cuffs locked on her. It was sapping her strength.

“Your grandmother was pissed at me for fucking you,” I said. “Nosey old ghost thought I might injure you.”

“Youtoldher?” she yelped, then quickly clapped her hand over her mouth, aghast at her volume. “Callum, that’s — Goddamn it. That’sprivate!”

“Please, darling. In a house full of ghosts, nothing is truly private,” I said, chuckling at her mortification. “Besides, I made her a promise that I would give an equal opportunity to you to return the favor. Not that I wasn’t going to do so regardless.”

How could I resist? The very thought of this woman taking command of me was almost enough to make me cum without a single touch.

“What exactly do you mean?” Curiosity and confusion filled those beautiful eyes as I grabbed her face and kissed her, but she was smiling when I pulled away.

“It’s your turn on top,” I said. “I showed you how. Now you get to try it yourself.”

For a moment, she stared at me in confusion. “Woah, woah, you wantmeto…You want me to fuck you? Like, actually?”

It was adorable to see her so flustered. Smirking, I nodded my head. “I’ve thought of nothing else for days.”

I was careful to gauge her reaction, and beneath her nerves, only desire lay. If she wasn’t interested, I would have abandoned the idea without complaint; I was perfectly happy to be versatile. But her excitement made me more ravenous.

She rubbed the back of her neck. “Callum, I don’t exactly have the equipment to do that.”

Springing eagerly to my hands and knees, I said, “Don’t move a muscle. I’ll be right back.”

My departure wasn’t long. Knowing exactly where I was going, I teleported there and back again in a matter of minutes, my only delay being that I had to hide briefly to ensure the store employees didn’t see me. Hell’s council usually arranged for demons who spent time on Earth to have access to human money, but such access for myself had been cut off long ago. Doubtlessly thanks to Lucifer’s petty scheming, trying anything he could to make me return to Hell.

Everly jumped when I returned, reappearing in her bedroom with a bang as my feet hit the ground. I held out the box I’d stolen, watching the stages of confusion on her face as she figured out what it was.

“That’s a — Oh wow, okay, that’s a penis. With…a harness?” Her face couldn’t have turned any redder. She held up the toy with its adjustable straps, the length and size of it comparable to her forearm. “It’s a strap-on. Got it.”

Her eyes kept darting between me and the toy, growing wider with every pass.

“You wantmeto fuckyou…withthis?” Her voice cracked, and I couldn’t keep myself from laughing. “It’s…Callum, this thing ismassive!”

“Afraid you’ll hurt me? You don’t need to worry, darling. Consider this your free pass to take out your frustrations.”

She lowered her eyes.

“I’ve never really considered myself to be very, um…” She licked her lips, swallowing hard as she looked at herself in the mirror hung upon the wall. “Very dominant.”

“It’s entirely up to you,” I said, standing close behind her. “If it doesn’t intrigue you, tell me no.”

“It does intrigue me.”

Her whisper sent goosebumps prickling over my skin. She was still staring at the mirror, and in the reflection, her gaze met mine. Was she imagining what it would be like? Could she envision me beneath her?

I sank to my knees before her. “I ask only that you remind me what it means to feel something, my lady. How ever you wish to do that, I leave it to you to decide.” But I knew by now that uncertainty made her freeze, and I didn’t want to make her nervous. So I kissed the back of her hand and suggested, “If you’re worried that you might hurt me, I am more than happy to prove I crave any pain you would be so kind as to grant me.”

She reached out slowly, brushing her fingers over my face. “You want me to hurt you?”