Page 126 of Soul of a Witch

Niamh laughed. “Never seen a dragon before? I suppose they don’t have them on Earth anymore, do they?” When I shook my head in absolute bewilderment, she shrugged. “It’s pretty. Like milky glass with shards of charcoal inside.”

As if my fingers were called to them, I swiftly found several pieces set with the gems she spoke of. There was a variety of sizes and shapes, some thick and heavy, while others were tiny and delicate.

“Where are you going to pierce him, hm?” Niamh said, waggling her eyebrows suggestively. “He’s got an awful lot of them already. Not much of him left untouched.”

“I’m not sure actually.” The fact that I was about to give a piercing with my own hands was more than enough to occupy my brain, let alone choosingwhereto put it. I didn’t know much about body modifications, the extent of my experience being my two sets of piercings in each ear. But Niamh’s clearly suggestive tone gave me an idea.

“Niamh, is it possible to pierce the…uhm…penis?”

She immediately burst out laughing, rocking herself so hard she almost fell out of her hammock. When she finally calmed down, she said, “Aw, such an innocent little witch, aren’t you? Adorable. I never would have expected it, but…I suppose that old soldier deserves a little softness.”

She pointed out the jewelry that would work for such a piercing, even giving me a quick but thorough explanation for how I’d do it. “It’s nearly impossible for you to hurt him, love, trust me. Just take your time and he’ll heal perfectly fine. But what aboutyou, eh? What’s he giving you?”

“Giving…me?” I said, still trying to memorize the instructions she’d just disclosed.

“Yeah, piercings are usually a reciprocal thing.”

That opened my mind to an entirely new path of possibilities as I rummaged through the jewelry. Callum returned to us right as I made my selections, handing off the beverages to Niamh before wrapping his arms around me.

“Clingy, isn’t he?” Niamh said, before taking a long gulp of a clear, icy beverage sprinkled with little red petals. “Fuck, that’s good. Properly fiery, Ro!” She lifted the glass in a toast toward the bartender before flopping back in her hammock and closing her eyes again. “Enjoy your new toy, Everly.”

“Newtoy?” Callum said, eyes darting between us with instant suspicion.

“Never mind,” I said, taking his hand. The jewelry I’d selected was hidden within my opposite palm, and I was eager for him to see it. But not here. “Let’s go back.”

He let me lead the way back to the cavern, winding through the glistening caves until we’d reached our private pool again. There were little alcoves carved into the smooth rock around the cavern, and Callum lounged on one of them, his toes dangling into the water.

For a moment, I stood still and admired him. How he sprawled himself across the damp stone, his naked body glistening with water, droplets clinging to the tips of his wings. His thick cock rested against his thigh, and I imagined the ridged head pierced with the jewelry I’d selected.

The thought made a smile spread over my face, and Callum immediately braced himself with anticipation.

“You know I love that smile, darling,” he said. “Like you’ve thought of something naughty.”

“I’ve thought of somethingverynaughty,” I said, approaching him slowly. Holding up the needle in a glass vial Niamh had given me, I continued, “In fact, I thought of something absolutely wicked.”

“Don’t keep me in anticipation,” he said, shifting restlessly as I stood over him. Sitting on the stone between his sprawled legs, I showed him the jewelry I’d selected: a curved barbell of black metal, set with dragon glass. The gem was truly stunning, just as Niamh described it.

Callum somehow recognized what it was immediately. “Dragon glass? How did she ever —” He smirked, shaking his head. “Niamh is going to get herself in trouble collecting things like that. Dragons don’t take kindly to intruders. Or toanyone, for that matter.”

Glaring at him and pouting my lip, I said, “I can’t believe you never told me dragons are real.”

“Terribly sorry.” He folded his arms behind his head, not looking sorry at all. “I suppose you’ll have to punish me then.”

“Brat.” I smacked his thigh, and he caught my wrists and yanked me closer for a kiss.

“Where are you marking me?” he said.

Pressing my hand against his chest, I shoved him back against the rock and said, “I decided to mark you where we’re most intimately connected. Your cock.”

He blinked rapidly, looking surprised for a moment. The aforementioned body part twitched, swelling as if the thought of something being pierced through it was actually appealing.

“Fuck, I love you,” he breathed out. “Do you want me to guide you through it?”

“Niamh told me what to do,” I said and situated myself a bit more comfortably. “But, yes, please do. Just so I don’t mess it up.”

“You won’t,” he said confidently.

“I don’t suppose there are any sterile gloves for me to wear?” I said, only half-joking. I didn’t know much about piercings, but I knew enough about bacteria to cringe at the thought of doing this with my bare hands.