Page 76 of Soul of a Witch

“That you’re a dick,” I gasped, and he shook his head.

“Wrong answer.”

The ropes between my legs loosened, but they didn’t disappear. They coiled down my legs, repositioning them so my ankles were bound behind the column. This forced my legs to remain spread apart, my muscles quickly feeling the strain of my position. As I hung there, huffing and puffing, Callum held up two fingers so I could see his claws disappear.

“Where do you think I’m going to put these?” he said, twiddling his fingers in my face. “I’d bet you want them in your pussy, don’t you? Making you drip all over my hand.”

With no other options available besides uttering my safeword — which I had no desire to do — I nodded my head, hoping my cooperation would inspire him to pleasure me instead of punish me.

This was a wicked game I was bound to lose, but I wanted to play anyway.

“Please…” My voice was soft and desperate, but instead of looking at me with pity, Callum only grew more excited.

“I’m afraid begging won’t help you now.” His tongue slid over his lips, as if I were a piece of meat hanging before him.

His fingers dipped into my arousal as he stroked the digits over me. Whimpers burst out of me as he teased my pleasure to a frenzied height.

He withdrew his touch at the last possible moment, when I was certain I was going to fall apart in orgasmic bliss. Crying out in despair, I struggled against the ropes until they dug into my skin, and I had to stop, panting to catch my breath.

“What have you learned?” He repeated his question, painfully calm and condescendingly patient.

The fact that I was supposed tolearnsomething from this had completely left my mind. All I could think about were the sensations assaulting me — the weight of my body against the ropes, the refreshing ache of air filling my lungs, the pulsating heat between my legs.

“I learned I’m not very good at magic.”

Callum went very,verystill.

“Would you care to repeat that?” His low voice told me I shouldn’t have said it at all.

“I learned, uhm…I learned that…” I couldn’t think of the right words when he had my body so torn between pain and pleasure.

But that was the point, wasn’t it? When the God assaulted my mind, It inflicted confusion. Terror, pain, bliss — It used those feelings like a weapon.

“I can’t get distracted,” I blurted, grasping at my sudden realization. “I learned I can’t let myself be distracted, and I need to — ahh —”

His fingers were between my legs again, but it wasn’t my pussy he was teasing. He reached further back, probing my puckered hole. I whimpered as he pressed one finger into that tight ring of muscle.

“It’s not discipline if you don’t suffer,” he mocked. His fingers were slick with my arousal, and the intrusion felt strange at first. But as he worked his finger in and out of me, I lost the ability to speak. He forced lewd sounds out of me that I hadn’t been aware I was capable of making.

“I will not allow you to use your mistake to disrespect yourself,” he said. “You lack skill in magic because you’ve never practiced. You do not lack potential nor power; don’t think for a single second that you do.”

“Y-yes, you’re right. I’m…fuck —” My voice broke as he eased a second finger inside my ass. It was tight enough to be uncomfortable, but slick enough not to hurt. My brain was going to short circuit.

“Your control over magic will improve with time.” He was as calm and composed as if we were merely taking a stroll through the garden. “Your lack of experience is by no means the lesson I want you to take away from this.Listento me.” He gripped my face, moving his fingers inside me as he forced me to hold his gaze. “What did youlearn, Everly?”

He withdrew his fingers, and I groaned as he spat on them, lubricating them before entering me again.

“I learned…I can’t…I —”

“Deep breath, darling.” His voice was rough, merciless. “Take a slow breath and calm yourself down. I know it’s hard to take.” He pressed his body closer, gyrating his hips against me so I could feel the hard length of him. The stretch of his fingers in my ass wasalmosttoo overwhelming to be pleasurable — the result was a brutal ascent toward orgasm, edging closer with every thrust of his fingers.

“I need to learn about my enemies,” I babbled, spilling the words out as quickly as I could before the thoughts fluttered away again. “I need to be patient and not rush…Shit —” The way he was pressing his hips against me applied pressure to my clit, and my vision grew hazy.

“That’s it, you’ve got it. Good girl. You’ll remember that for next time, won’t you? No more rushing your enemies, no more running into fights without a damn clue what you’re doing. You’re too precious for that, understand?”

“Y-yes, yes, I understand —”

“You’re going to slow down and think. You’re going to be confident in the magic you carry. You’re going to use that clever brain of yours and when you’ve mastered it, I promise there’s nothing in the world that can stop you.”