Page 40 of Free Me


The dayafter our game of Twister, I tried calling Logan. It rang once and then my call was sent to voicemail. I took that as a sign that he might be alive. It was disappointing that he hadn’t at least called me to see if I was okay, but I guessed he could have checked my GPS tracker and seen that I was here. Instead of wasting his time on me, he was probably busy doing what I had asked him.Focus on finding him.

I left him a short message. “As you probably already know, I’m safe. Please call me.”

Another three days passed after that, and I checked the burner phone multiple times every day to see if he had called. He hadn’t. Not hearing his voice and confirming that he was all right was extremely hard. Not knowing about Isabelle was driving me crazy, too.

The temptation to call her, call Ethan or Ian was so difficult to ignore. But I did it. Every day. To keep us safe, I had to. I tried to tell myself ignorance was bliss. That worked sometimes.

I continued to have nightmares of Mr. X finding us and killing the guys every night. I’d wake up screaming or crying and pissed off. I was tired of it and angry at myself for the helpless part I played in my dreams every time.

It was currently the middle of the night, and I couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t that I was afraid to sleep like I used to be. Nope. I was too pissed off to sleep. I kept mentally going over what I would have done differently in my previous nightmares if they had been real. It was pointless. Nightmares were not something I could control, but I couldn’t help but waste my time fussing over them.

Giving up on sleep, I very quietly and carefully snuck out from between Colt and Creed and off the bed. I thankfully didn’t wake them when I left the room.

It was freezing in the living room. It seemed to be the coldest room in the cabin, and we had been using the fireplace every day because of it. The fire we had lit early in the evening was nothing more than cinders now. I added a couple of logs from the stack we kept next to the hearth, and I got another fire going.

At first, I thought I might watch a movie, but my mind was racing too fast to sit still. I ventured into the kitchen. Searching through the pantry cabinet and fridge, I saw that I had all the ingredients I’d need to make homemade baked chocolate doughnuts, which I knew would be a hit with the guys in the morning when they woke up. As I pulled out the ingredients, I noticed bananas on the counter. They were going to go bad soon. I decided to tweak the recipe to make chocolate banana doughnuts instead.

Getting lost in the process of baking was just what I needed. It calmed me and gave me a break from obsessing over useless crap I couldn’t control. I didn’t have a piping bag, so the doughnuts were going to be a little more rustic-looking than I would have liked, but they would still taste good. After I got the doughnuts in the oven, I cleaned up and prepped to make a chocolate glaze.

When the doughnuts were done, I took them out and set them aside to cool. I was in the middle of making the chocolate glaze at the stove when I heard the wood floor creak behind me. Arms wrapped around my middle before a kiss was placed on top of my head. I knew just from his touch that it was Knox.

“Did you have a nightmare?” His voice came out tired.

“I couldn’t sleep.” I felt his concern in the way he tensed up a little. Before he could say anything, I spun around to face him and added, “Not because I’m afraid to sleep. My brain wouldn’t shut off.”

Staring down at me, he brushed a few stray hairs that had fallen from my bun away from my eye. “Do you want to talk about it?”

I shook my head. “I’ve spent way too much time dwelling on it. I’d rather just bake.”

“What are you making?” he asked as he looked around.

I turned back to the stove. “A chocolate glaze to go with the chocolate banana doughnuts I made.”

He moved to lean against the side of the island behind me. “Still having chocolate cravings?”

I smiled as I turned off the stove and went to retrieve the now-cooled doughnuts. “No. My period ended yesterday. So the chocolate cravings aren’t as strong. The reason for the chocolate doughnuts is because I bought so many things to bake using chocolate.”

He nodded and watched as I carried the doughnuts over to the stove. I felt him come up behind me so he could see me dip one side of a doughnut in the glaze and then set it aside to dry.

After I finished dipping a few more doughnuts, Knox startled me a little by grabbing my hand. It was the hand I’d dipped the doughnuts with and my designated hand to get messy with. He pulled my hand up and back a little. I turned my head just in time to see him suck one of my glaze-coated fingers into his mouth.

He let out a deep, rumblymmmas he sucked my finger clean and then moved on to clean the rest that had chocolate on them.

This man had seen me naked. Had done filthy things to my body. But the sound he had just made and the feel of his tongue sliding along my finger…oh-my-lanta.That turned me on like a flick of a switch.One second, I was enjoying myself making doughnuts and by the next my body was saying,What doughnuts?

“Do I taste good?” I asked with a voice that was slightly high-pitched.

His eyes flicked to mine as he pulled my last chocolaty finger from his mouth. “Every inch of you tastes good.”

“I—” I cleared my throat to get control of my voice. “I meant the glaze.”

The sinful, knowing smile that graced his face made my heart skip a beat. “No, you didn’t,” he said.

I pulled my hand from his grasp and stepped out from between him and the stove, needing space.

He frowned at that. “What’s wrong?”