Page 36 of Free Me

“What did you do to embarrass Shi?” Creed questioned him.

Knox gave Creed a look that screamed,Seriously?

I let out a frustrated groan. “He didn’t do anything. I’m the one who freaked out.”

Colt wrapped an arm around my lower back and pulled me to him. “There was no reason for you to freak out, babe.”

“Were you more worried about what Knox was thinking or was it you that was uncomfortable with it?” Keelan asked.

My cheeks were so hot, I felt like they were going to melt right off my face. “Can we please move on and play this game?”

“She was worried about me,” Knox said, answering for me.

Creed came up and hugged me from behind, sandwiching me between him and Colt. “I think I can speak for all four of us when I say we love you and if you’re naked, we don’t care what time of the month it is, we’re still going to want to fuck you.”

“Creed!” I admonished as I stared at Colt, wide-eyed.

Colt smiled down at me. The glint in his eyes told me he wholeheartedly agreed with what Creed had said.

Creed chuckled as he grasped my shoulders and spun me to face him. “If you don’t believe me, I’ll happily bend you over right now and prove it to you.” Creed leaned close and whispered with a naughty smirk, “And to prove that they don’t care, either, I bet my brothers would stay and watch me fuck you.”

I felt slightly depraved because of how turned on I got. His dirty words painted a dirty picture in my head and all the butterflies in my stomach flew south.

I must have failed to hide what I was feeling, because the smirk Creed had been giving me faded away and genuine surprise took its place.

“I—” My voice came out a little breathy. Looking away toward the kitchen, I licked my lips and concentrated on keeping my voice calm. “Can we just play the game now?”

Creed’s hand grasped my chin and he gently made me look at him. “What do you want if you win, Shi?”

I thought about it. “If I win, I want my feet rubbed for a half an hour.”

“From each of us?” Colt asked.

I nodded.

Creed smiled. “Okay.” His attention shifted over my shoulder to Colt and a look passed between them. “What do you want? Or do you want to wait to hear what I’m going to ask for?”

Colt thought about it for a second. “I’ll wait.”

Creed stared down at me, and he brushed his thumb along my jawline. “If I win, I get to touch you anywhere on your body for however long I want to and I can pick the time and location.”

Instantly, I was suspicious. “Touch me with what?”

“My hand,” he answered with an innocent expression.

That didn’t sound so bad. He had already touched every part of my body and I trusted him. “All right.”

“I want the same,” Colt said, which made me look back at him. He was grinning at Creed as if they had some sort of secret between them.

“Fine. What do you want from each other?” I asked.

Creed shrugged. “Winner picks the next movie we watch.”

Colt nodded. “Deal. Let’s get started.”

Colt and Creed got back to where they’d been standing with their right foot on red. I looked from one twin to the other, feeling like I’d missed something. Hoping they would have some answers, I glanced at Knox and Keelan. Knox was staring at me with an intense look that I couldn’t decipher. Keelan appeared thoroughly entertained. Giving up, I went back to where I’d been standing and put my right foot on a red circle.

“I’m going to need a drink if one of them wins,” I thought I heard Knox mumble to Keelan.