Page 31 of Free Me

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When I left my room that morning, I felt lighter. I still hated my hair, and it was going to stay in a messy bun until I was able to change it, but it no longer gutted me to see it. As for everything else, I wasn’t as overwhelmed by it, or rather, the break Knox had given me had allowed me to recoup my mental and emotional strength to withstand my demons.

The thought of cooking breakfast didn’t seem like such a battle as I pulled things out of the fridge. Knox and I had skipped dinner last night. I was starving and I was sure he was as well.

The cabin was quiet, but it was fairly early in the morning. Keelan and the twins were probably still sleeping.

Knox and I worked quietly together in the kitchen. The delicious smells of coffee and food quickly filled the room, drawing Keelan out of bed first. I was currently mixing pancake batter at the island as he came out of the closest bedroom.

Yawning, he came to me and kissed the top of my head. “How are you feeling?”

“Better.” Just as I said that, I got a really sharp cramp that made me grab the edge of the island and hunch over a little. I had started my period this morning at the most inconvenient and embarrassing time.

After Knox had said he loved me, we’d started kissing. That kissing had turned into sex. He’d had my legs on his shoulders and pounded into me until release hit us both. It had been quick, hard, and satisfying. Every part of that moment had been wonderful. That was, until Knox had pulled out of me and seen my monthly visitor had finally showed up.

I had felt Knox still as he’d stared down between us. “Did I hurt you?”

“No. Why?” I had responded, propping myself up on my elbows to see what he had been looking at. Within a second I’d switched from hugely relieved to mortified. I’d quickly covered his eyes with my hands. “Oh my God! Don’t look!”

Knox had been calm. “I already saw. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” He’d pulled my hands from his eyes. A small frown had taken over his face when he’d seen my face. I hadn’t been able to hide that I’d not only been embarrassed, but about to freak out. As if completely unbothered, he had scooped me up, carried me to the bathroom, and we’d taken a shower together.

Keelan put a hand on my shoulder, pulling me back to the present. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

I quickly straightened and went back to whisking the clumps out of the pancake batter. “Nothing.”

“She has cramps,” Knox said from where he stood at the stove cooking bacon.

Understanding showed on Keelan’s face. “Do you need anything?”

“Nope,” I said as I went over to the large pantry cabinet next to the fridge. “You don’t mind having chocolate-chip pancakes for breakfast, do you?” I grabbed one of the bags of chocolate chips I’d picked up in town and returned to my mixing bowl of batter.

Keelan was pouring himself a cup of coffee when he answered, “I don’t think anyone in this family will mind a little bit of chocolate with their breakfast.”

I was happy that he was all right with having chocolate-chip pancakes. However, I was irritated by the wordlittle. Sure, half a bag would be the normal batter to chip ratio, but today…

I ripped open one end of the bag and the smell of chocolaty goodness filled my nose. It smelled so good my mouth watered. I plucked a chip from the bag and popped it into my mouth. It seemed to melt instantly on my tongue, and I let out a tiny moan-slash-mmm. I ate a couple more chips before dumping the whole bag into the batter and I felt zero remorse about doing it.

Feeling like I was being watched, I glanced over my shoulder. Keelan and Knox were staring at me, surprised.

“Oh no. I accidentally dumped the whole bag in.” My words came out flat and it was blatantly obvious that I was lying. I gave them a look that dared them to call me out on it.

Knox looked like he was fighting not to smile and turned back to face the stove.

Keelan did nothing to hide his smile. “If I’d known chocolate made you moan like that, I would have insisted a long time ago that we had it with every breakfast.”

Heat blooming in my cheeks, I turned back toward the island and started mixing the chips into the batter. “Why just breakfast?” The question slipped out before I could stop myself.

Keelan came up behind me and he pressed his lips where my neck met my shoulder, making me shiver a little. “I have two reasons,” he said and kissed me again, this time higher up on my neck. “One: hearing you moan first thing in the morning is the best way to start my day. It would be better if I was the one making you moan, but I’ll enjoy the sound any way I can hear it.” His lips moved up and he dragged his teeth along the sensitive spot just below my ear, which made my sock-covered toes curl against the floor. “And two: my life would become very unproductive if I heard you moaning all day.” His voice deepened as he spoke.

I found myself tilting my head to the side like an offering. “And why is that?”

He grabbed one of my hands and placed it over his cock. Through his pajama pants, I could feel that he was hard. “Those sexy noises are kryptonite to my self-control.” One of his hands grabbed me by the hip while the other found its way up my shirt. His fingers felt warm as they slid across my stomach. “If I’m exposed to too much, you’ll find yourself on your back or bent over with my cock buried inside you.”

Cheese and rice!I had to grab the edge of the counter for a whole new reason. “It’s not nice to tease,” I said with an affected voice.

“I’m not teasing.” He licked the shell of my ear. “Say the word and I’ll bend you over this counter right now. I bet we can wake the twins when I make you come screaming.”

“I’m on my period, Keelan.”