Page 37 of Free Me

“A cold shower would be more helpful,” Keelan mumbled back and flicked the spinner. “Left hand on blue.”

“Pause!” I said.

“There’s no pausing, Shi,” Creed said, but I ignored him.

Creed let go of his protest the moment I removed my baggy sweater and tossed it to Knox on the couch. I had a feeling I needed to take this game seriously and a loose sweater would just get in the way.

Creed eyed my sports bra. “If you’d like to take off any more of your clothes, I’m sure more time would be given to you. Right, referee?”

Keelan gave us a serious nod. “I’ll allow it.”

Colt snorted and Knox appeared to be struggling not to smile.

“Left hand on blue,” I repeated what Keelan had announced was our next move and I bent over to place my hand on the blue circle.

As the game continued on and more moves were called out, our positions got more complicated. I ended up in a downward-dog position with my butt in the air and my legs wide apart. My face was right between Colt’s legs, who was in a crab-like position. His gray sweatpants were making it very hard not to stare. Creed was in a similar position to me, and he was currently resting his forehead on my left butt cheek.

“I don’t want you to bend over in public ever again,” Creed grumbled.

“Why?” I asked.

I felt his warm breath through my leggings before I felt his teeth. As he bit me, I pushed up to my tiptoes. “Creed!”

“You bent over is too sexy,” he said.

Feeling bratty, I said, “Wouldn’t it be sexier if I was naked?”

“It’s not nice to tease, Shi,” Creed said. “Especially when I have this perfect ass in my face.”

“You started it,” I shot back. “You’ve been teasing me since before we started playing.”

Keelan snickered and flicked the spinner. “Left foot on green.”

“Cheese and rice,” I grumbled. I’d have to spread my legs even wider to get my foot on green.

Creed and Colt were taller than me, which meant their legs were longer. They both reached a green circle easily. As I put my foot on green, I put more weight on my arms. It didn’t take long for them to begin to shake.

“Left hand on yellow,” Keelan called out.

Colt cursed but moved his hand from blue to yellow.

In order to move my hand to yellow, I’d have to lean even farther between Colt’s legs. Putting my hand on yellow also forced all my weight on my right hand. I tried to focus on breathing, but it wasn’t helping. My arm was going to give out soon.

“Right hand on green,” Keelan said.

All three of us let out a sigh of relief. Colt moved his right hand onto green easily. I had the choice of reaching over his thigh or under. Over would put me in a plank position over him. Under would put my face right into his crotch.

If he fell, it wouldn’t be so bad, though.

As soon as that thought entered my head, a diabolical plan formed in my head. I reached over his thigh to put my hand on green. On the upside, my boobs were resting on his knee. “You know, Colt, this position is giving me déjà vu of the first time I went down on you.”

Colt’s eyes went wide as they flicked to me.

“Did she just say—” Creed started to say before I talked over him.

“Don’t you remember? It was the middle of the night. I was on my hands and knees, and I licked you from base to tip. Then I licked you again before taking you into my mouth.”

The room was silent as I spoke, and unbeknownst to Colt, he was slowly sinking to the ground.