Page 85 of Escape the Reaper

“And money,” I added.

She chuckled. “If you want your father back, then yes. It will cost the Quinn family. But I wonder, when all of this is said and done, will the new Banrionwant him back?”

Banrionwas Gaelic for queen.

“Twenty million. In five days, I’ll let you know how to get it to me. Until then, daughter,” she said and hung up.


It had been forty-eight hours since my phone call with Riona. Since then, I’d had meetings with Rourke, Louie, Brody, Vincent, and Aiden on what to do and how to come up with the money. I’d done my best to get advice from Jamie and Conor, but mostly I had wanted them to focus on what they needed to get done in Boston. Things had been successful on their end, and they were coming home tonight.

According to Brody, Stefan had enough money to cover the twenty million, but we couldn’t access it without Stefan. So that was where Vincent came in. The whole reason the kid had gotten hired by Stefan in the first place was because Vincent had stolen money out of Stefan’s account. We’d had him do it again, only this time he’d put the money in my account.

Aiden’s help had come in the form of jewelry. Because we didn’t know when, where, or how I was going to give the money to Riona, we needed to plan for multiple outcomes. Seeing how she’d said this was a game of truth and she had yet to reveal anything to me, I was pretty certain she was going to attempt to take me.

Aiden had given me a Return to Tiffany heart tag chain-link necklace. It wasn’t really a Tiffany’s necklace, but made to look like one. Within the heart tag pendant was a tiny GPS device. The thick chain wouldn’t unlatch unless there was a special pin key used, which Louie was given a copy of.

When Aiden had given Louie the key, Louie had gotten this glint of mirth in his eye. He had yanked on the chain around my neck with a finger. “I can think of some interesting roleplaying games we can do with this, my little pet.”

I’d arched a brow at him. “I have never been drier.” No shame to anyone’s kinks, but that one wasn’t mine.

Louie’s hand had dropped from my necklace. “That’s the rudest thing you have ever said to me.”

Aiden had laughed at us.

Speaking of Aiden, I was pretty sure he and my father had slept together, not that it was any of my business. My father’s past lovers weren’t something I needed or wanted to know about, but I didn’t like how Aiden interacted with Brody. The way he winked at him or smirked at him all seemed to be a tactic to get under Brody’s skin.

When I had been able to get a moment alone with Aiden after he had given me the necklace, earlier this afternoon, I’d confronted him.

I had sat behind my father’s desk in his study. “I don’t know the extent of the relationship you had with my father, be it that you bumped uglies for a short time or that things were serious between you two. It is none of my business. What is my business and what I will not tolerate is you coming into my home and antagonizing my other parent.”

Aiden had gone very still in the chair he’d sat in across from me. “How…” he had trailed off.

“I was taught to be perceptive, and I pay close attention to those who interact with the ones I love. You’re not as discreet as you claimed to be,” I had told him.

When the shock of me calling him out had worn off, he had agreed to leave Brody alone.

Now it was evening and Louie had left an hour ago to go pick up Jamie. Brenna was currently hanging out with me in Jamie’s room while I waited for him to come home. I planned on pouncing on him the moment he walked through the door, which was why Kieran was spending tonight in his nursery with Caroline taking care of him.

“I moved into the main house today,” Brenna announced from where she was lying across the foot of the bed.

“I thought I saw you bringing your stuff over from the guest house today,” I said as I looked at my phone for the tenth time in the past five minutes. Jamie and Louie would be back any minute now “What made you decide to move out of the guest house?”

“Too lonely. I picked a room near yours, but not so close that I would hear anything in case you decide to do the nasty with one or both of your guys.”

I snorted and tossed a pillow at her.

She caught it, giggling, which was cut off by a big yawn. “Okay, I’m going to call it a night.” She threw the pillow back at me and climbed off the bed.

“Get some rest.”

“Night,” she said as she walked out.

As the minutes ticked by, my eyes kept threatening to close. I pulled back the covers on Jamie’s bed, placed my gun under my pillow, and lay down with my phone. I tried calling Jamie and when I didn’t get an answer, I called Louie next. He didn’t answer, either.

The plane is probably running late.

I sent a text to both of them asking them to wake me when they got home, and I reached toward the nightstand to turn off the light.