Page 7 of Beautiful Smile

She nodded yes, fear and guilt obvious in her eyes. I stood up to get her out of this apartment and held her to me tightly. As I walked out of the bathroom, Saint called out, “Tank, we’re taking this asshole to the basement.”

Razor looked up at us and his face turned dark with his anger. “How far?” he snarled.

“He hurt her, Razor.”

“Full package. You lucky dog you,” Saint chuckled darkly.

I felt Lilia move and watch as Saint and Razor carried the asshole out of the apartment. I glanced down before following them and saw a look of puzzlement on her face.

Guessing her question, I whispered. “Two prospects drove cages here. One for Kenny. The other is to move you to my place.”

“What?” Her eyes were wide, showing her surprise at my words.

“You’re mine, little beauty. Mine to love and protect.”

She nodded before settling her head back on my shoulder. “Leave the furniture here unless the prospect wants it. Otherwise, everything goes where I go… with you.” Her words made my heart sore. I was never going to let anyone hurt her ever again. She was mine.

Chapter 5


I sat Lilia on the back of my bike and climbed on myself. Her arms immediately went around my waist as she tucked in as close as she could and laid her head on my back. “Baby, do you have your bag?”

I felt her nod to my question. She was exhausted and had to be hurting. I know she kept meds in her purse so we were heading to my cabin behind the clubhouse where she could take her meds and a hot bath and then I was going to hold her in my arms all night. “Hold on tight, little beauty. We’ll be home soon.” I felt her hold tighten as I started my beast and we left the nightmare behind.

Before long I was pulling to a stop in front of my cabin. I climbed off the beast and turned to help Lilia when I saw her tears. “You’re safe, baby, I promise.”

Shaking her head no she looked up at me and sniffled, “M-my meds. I hurt so bad, Tank.” My heart tore in agony at her pain. I scooped her up in my arms and carried her straight into the bathroom. Sitting her down gently on the toilet, I start the hot water to start filling my large soaker tub. With another sniffle, she took off her small bag from around her body and handed it to me.

I opened it and found the bottle of pain pills. Showing it to her I took two out and handed them to her. “Get undressed and into the tub, baby, unless it hurts too much to move then I’ll help you. I’m going to grab you a bottle of water for those pills.”

I wasn’t gone long when I came back to find her in the water. Her eyes were closed as she leaned her head on her arms over the edge of the tub. She didn’t even open her eyes as she drank from the water bottle and swallowed her pills. I sat next to her rubbing my fingers over her hair. We sat there quietly in the safety and warmth of this moment in time.



I sat on the bathroom floor unable to sleep, not with Tank so close yet so far away from me. My feelings for him were growing every hour I was with him and in his arms. Tank was a dream I never thought possible. Unfortunately, I knew my body was too broken to be with him. I knew I had to leave. I couldn’t handle the heartbreak of being a burden to this wonderful man that I was very quickly falling in love with. I didn’t know if I could leave him, though. The idea of leaving broke free the sobs I’d been holding in.

There was a soft knock on the door. Tank didn’t wait long for my reply. He slowly opened the door and said into the darkness of the room, “Hey, little beauty. I heard you crying. Are you okay?”

With a sniffle, I tried desperately to play it off as nothing. “No, I’m fine, honestly. I didn’t mean to wake you.

I knew he didn’t believe me. Heck, I didn’t even believe me. I watched as he walked in and sat next to me on the floor, his legs stretched out nearly across the entire room. “Lilia.”

I looked at him and desperately wanted to feel his arms around me again, making it all better. The truth of my thoughts broke my heart all over again. The pain was unbearable. Being so close to him and yet not being able to get what I so badly wanted.

I looked away from him, my voice detached, “Tank, please, stop being so nice to me. I can’t take what it does to my heart when I know I would be nothing more than a burden to you.”

“Says who?”

I looked at him in surprise. That wasn’t the response I expected. The moonlight from the little window was shining on him. There was such a tender look on his face. The tiniest glimmer of hope flickered in my soul.

“I’ve been told for the last ten years that I’m a burden to everyone. That I’m a loon if I expect people to believe me much less love me. I could never be a burden to you. That’s something you don’t deserve.”

“Whoa! Whoa! First of all, not a damned thing about you is a burden or a loon or any of the other things people have said to you. All I want to do is love you in every way possible. I was afraid to cause you more pain earlier so I held myself back. I never want to be the cause of your pain.” He gently caressed my cheek as I blinked at him, speechless.

I looked him in the eye, my hand gently taking hold of his arm, “Tank, you…love me?”