Page 2 of Beautiful Smile

“I’m sorry, Dad. I just had a flat…”

“Well, put the fucking spare on and take it to the tire shop in the morning. You are twenty-two now. Stop calling us for help.” With that, he hung up.

I felt myself blush from my embarrassment. I could feel the tears wanting to escape but somehow I managed to hold them back. Taking a deep breath, I dialed my brother Alex. He picked up the phone on the second ring, “No.” One word and he hung up.

“I… um… th-they are busy,” I mumbled out to Tank, embarrassment filling me. I should have known they were going to be like that. They always were and yet I kept trying. I stupidly thought they cared when they didn't.

Chapter 2


Anger filled me as this sweet girl’s calls for help were blatantly and rudely denied. She was with me, what if I had bad intentions? She could be in a dangerous situation and they didn’t care. What kind of fucking father responded like that to his daughter’s call for help? I didn’t know who the second shithead was that she called, but he didn’t deserve her in his life.

The road we were on was a road that not many traveled. Any time I came upon someone in need of help, I stopped. My life was filled with plenty of dark and ugly. This was my little bit of good karma I added to a world filled with so much cruelty.

If my club brothers knew I helped people out, they would most certainly give me shit for it, if not change my road name. The Dragon Skulls were a badass club that elicited fear for good reason. I’d killed my fair share of people and tortured others when necessary.

I was not a good man and was okay with that. For some reason though, I always felt a need to help a stranded motorist on this road. This time I finally figured out why. Sweet Lilia was a tiny little beauty that made my heart pound and her smile made my heart skip a beat.

Saint, our club President, once told me that the moment he met his ole lady he just knew she was the owner of his heart. That was exactly how I felt the instant Lilia smiled at me. She didn’t know it yet, but she was mine and under my protection. Even if her family had helped her out, I was going to make sure she was safe and happy until I breathed my last breath.

“Don’t you worry, little beauty. You’re under my protection now.” When she looked at me with a sad smile, I could see her fighting tears. That was unacceptable. Gently I pulled her into my arms and held her close. I made sure not to be too rough, I didn’t want to cause her any more pain.

I felt my shirt dampening and knew she was allowing herself the emotional release she needed. My momma always told me that women were emotional creatures but that didn’t mean they were weak. It meant they were given the job of nurturing and caring for their children by God above and for that they had an inner strength.

“You’re safe now, little beauty. Let it all out. You don’t need those people. You aren’t alone anymore.” I felt her taking a shuddering sigh as she tried to calm herself. Pulling back just enough to see her face, I wiped her tears away. “Have you eaten?”

She shook her head as she whispered, “No.”

“Well, then, here is what we’re going to do. Follow me to the garage. While they fix up your tire, we’ll go next door to the diner and get some dinner. I’ve eaten but as you can probably tell, I’m a big guy. I can always eat more.”

Her soft giggle did something to me. If I wasn’t sure before, I certainly was now. She was meant to be mine. “Are you sure, Tank? I don’t want to intrude or ruin your plans.”

“I didn’t have anything planned. I was probably going to have a beer and maybe play a game of pool or darts. Besides, I’d be a fool to pass up the opportunity to spend time with a beautiful woman.” The pinkening of her cheeks made me smile. It was apparent she didn’t receive compliments often enough. That was about to change. “Okay, little beauty, just follow me. It’s not a long drive, fifteen minutes at most.”

“Okay, Tank. Thank you.” I watched as she climbed into her car before climbing onto my beast. With a growl, I started the engine and made sure there were no cars before I pulled out onto the road and moved ahead of Lilia’s car so she could follow me. I kept an eye on her in my mirror and before long we arrived at the club’s garage.

“Stay right here, I’ll run in and let one of the guys know what you need.” As I talked to her I pushed a stray lock of coppery hair behind her ear. I don’t think she realized, but she ever so slightly leaned into my touch. That slight movement caused a warmth to fill me like sunshine burst forth from inside my dark heart.

With a smile, I tore myself away and headed inside the garage. Looking around, I didn’t see anyone around. “Hey you lazy assholes, why isn’t anyone working? I’m barely gone an hour and not a goddamn thing is done!”

“Hey boss, we’re just finishing up lunch,” Matty, the newest kid on my crew, explained as he walked out of the break room. He was as green as a kid could be but he was crazy talented with engines.

“Lunch? Who the fuck said you could eat lunch, shithead,” I snarled at him.

He simply smiled at me. No matter what I did, this kid never showed any fear, he merely smiled. I wasn’t sure if he was crazy or stupid. “Well, from my understanding it’s like a state or maybe federal law or something like that.”

“Law? Boy, I’ll put my boot up your ass and show you the law.” I scowled deeply as he just laughed. Turning my back on him, I found just the asshole I was looking for. “Hey Redneck, my girl is out front. She got a flat a few miles back and needs you to fix it. When you’re done, check over everything else to make sure it’s safe. We’ll be at the diner.”

Redneck was a grizzled old man who hated retirement more than he hated the garage. So he never left. “Your girl? Tank, when did you get a girl?”

My eyes narrowed at him. “None of your fucking business. Do what I tell ya!”

“Fuck, boss! What crawled in your cornflakes?” Hardon muttered under his breath as he tried to sneak by. He was blessed with his road name because every time Saint saw him he had a raging hardon.

Unfortunately for him, as an enforcer and owner of several club businesses, I was considered an officer of the club. As President, Saint demanded loyalty and thus respect. If you failed to show respect for him or his officers he considered that disloyalty, and that got you dead.

Hardon was a short fucker compared to my six-foot-eight height. Grabbing him by the arm, I swung him around to look at me. “Do we need to have a conversation about respect and loyalty?”