Page 87 of You're so Bad

“Even better,” I say, following him in through the plastic sheet we got hanging where the sliding door will go once it comes in.

He grabs two from the cooler we brought over, and we clink bottles before he opens his with a bottle opener from the cooler. I pop mine with my teeth.

“Show off.”

“What can I say? I got a wealth of useless knowledge.”

“Want to sit for a minute?” he asks, nodding to the two folding chairs we have set up in the living room.

We get seated and he leans back a little and sighs, then sets his beer on the floor. “I’m going to ask Delia to marry me.”

“For real?” I ask, even though it’s not exactly a shock. They’re the real deal, no question. I might give him shit about the whole thing, but I’m happy for him, even if he’s agreeing to be with only one woman for the rest of his life—to stay with her, no matter how many times either of them screw up. To be steady and reliable. To be her rock.

All the things I’m pretty sure I can’t do or be.

“For real,” he says with a smile, and I’m glad I didn’t tell him about Reese yet. My buddy needs this. I watch as he picks the bottle back and up and turns it around in his hand, pretending to be interested in the label.

“So, what’s the other part you don’t want to tell me?”

“I know you’re going to give me shit,” he finally says, meeting my eyes with a smile, “but I need your help with something.”

I can already tell it’s gonna be good.

“Give it to me.”

He pauses, still playing with the beer bottle. “You know how Delia does those readings for kids in her mermaid costume?”

“Yes, buddy,” I say slowly. “That’s not the kind of thing you forget.” I already have visions of Burke dressing up like a fish. No, a merman. Holy shit. This is going to give me material for years. I’m going to have to tell—

Except I haven’t been talking to Shauna, really.

There’s a tightness in my chest that I rub away, because this is Burke’s moment, and it shouldn’t be ruined by my bullshit.

“I thought…” He pauses, his cheeks flushing.

“Are you blushing?” I ask with a grin. “I’ll be. Never thought I’d see the day.”

“Oh, come on. I figured I’d dress up like that prince inThe Little Mermaid. You know she’d like it.”

My grin broadens. “Would she ever. You’re some guy, Burke. So what do you need me for? To hold the video camera? Because there’s no way we’re not getting this on tape and showing all the guys.” I snap. “We’ll have a group viewing. We can even call up Drew in Puerto Rico.”

“Negotiable,” he says. “I was thinking you could help me get dressed.”

“Oh, so I’m your hair and makeup?”

“I knew you were going to give me a hard time about this.”

“It’s basically my job. But sure, bud. You got it. Of course I’ll help. I feel privileged you asked. I’m really into wedding shit these days.”

He gives me ayou’re full of crap, Leonardlook, but I’m being serious. About the feeling privileged part anyway.

I don’t deserve his friendship.

I’llneverdeserve it.

But I’ll take it anyway.

Hell, maybe I can offer to snap some engagement photos for them after the proposal, since I’m apparently the maestro of love. We can make a whole day of it.