Page 50 of You're so Bad

He gets out, cat carrier in hand, and shuts his door behind him. Bean gives a plaintive wail, but he waits, giving me the choice.

A dry spell long enough to turn my body into the Sahara makes it for me.



She’s Constance’s granddaughter.

You already like her too much.

She’s fucking gorgeous, dressed in gold like a gift that’s meant for someone else. A gift I’d very much like to steal. And her lips are soft but firm, just the way I knew they would be, because this isn’t a woman who coasts through things—she’s take-charge, a fighter. Atiger.


She’s getting out of the damn car is what she’s doing, and even though this is one more shitty idea in a lifetime of them, I meant what I said. I won’t regret it.

I smirk at her as she joins me in the driveway.

“Stop looking at me like that,” she snaps, making for the door. She doesn’t try to hold my hand or touch me, and part of me is amused by it. Still, I don’t want to wait to have my hands on her again.

So I reach out and lightly smack her ass. It fills my hand perfectly, the feel of her warm flesh under that dress making me hard. Hell, I was already hard. I got that way the second she started talking about making thingsa little more realistic.

She jumps and then glares at me.

“You’re a dick.”

“I thought that’s what you wanted from me,” I say, giving my eyebrows a waggle.

She sighs and veers back toward the door and keeps walking. I’m happy she’s jonesing for my dick so much she’s in a hurry, although I’m not sure how she thinks she’s getting in there without the key.

“You that eager for me, Tiger?” I ask, earning my arm a punch. It’s obvious she threw it—Tiger has muscles and then some. I’d like to watch her use them someday. Maybe on Colter. Maybe in a cat fight with Bianca. It’d be a helluva show if they threw cake at each other at the wedding.

“What are you thinking about?” she asks suspiciously.

“You and Bianca getting into a cake fight at the wedding. I never thought anything about a wedding could be a turn-on for me, but I might have been short-sighted.”

“You really are a pig,” she breathes out. The way she’s looking at me says she doesn’t mind. At least not right now.

She doesn’t think much of me, but she wants me anyway.

I’ll take it. It’s a pretty good description of every single…well, relationship would be an exaggeration…I’ve been in.

I grab the short hem of her dress and tug her closer, liking the way she licks her lips, like she’s wetting them for me.

“Damn right,” I tell her. “You know, thinking about all that cake made me hungry, Tiger. What do you say we get Bean settled and head into the kitchen for a little snack?”

Her eyes flash with defiance. “Fruit Loops?”

“Maybe afterward. I was thinking I’d sit you up on the counter and have a taste of that sweet pussy.”

I earn a swear from her pink lips, and I lean forward and kiss her again. Because she told me I could, for tonight. Because I want to, and whenever possible, I like taking what I want.

She ends the kiss by biting my bottom lip, same as I did to her, and I’m grinning as she pulls away.

“Don’t be the kind of man who overpromises and underdelivers,” she says, nodding to the door. “That’s a disappointment for everyone involved.”

“Was Champ like that?”