I hadn’t known she was married, but then again, I hadn’t asked.
It wasn’t a life I’d cared about leaving behind, just like the other pit stops I’d made since leaving Asheville. The only one that had ever mattered was here, because of these friends I’d made. The only real friends I’ve ever had. The kind of friends who will start a business just to give you a damn job.
Burke and I are only on our second flip house. The first one isn’t even going on the market, on account of Burke decided he was moving into it. Part of it, though, will be used as the office for L&L Restoration.
Imagine that.Me, having an office.
None of the many teachers who failed me in high school would believe it. My old man certainly wouldn’t.
Danny laughs. “You’re not worried they’re going to steal a nicer truck if they lifted the Chevy?”
He has a point. “This one’s gonna have an alarm system. All the bells and whistles. They try lifting it, they’re going to find a spotlight on their ass.”
“Still seems like a bad idea. Why don’t you move in here with me after Burke leaves? I’d prefer not to have to go anywhere to socialize.”
“Or even socialize when people are here,” I say with a laugh, nodding toward the glass door.
He inclines his head. “You know I’m a one person at a time kind of guy.”
I grin at him. “You’re missing out on a world of fun, bud. Nothing like having two women in your bed at the same time.”
“Sure, Leonard. We all know your bed is the party bus.” He lifts his eyebrows, studying me, and I feel like I’m in the hotseat. It’s his eyes—so dark brown they’re almost black.
“I’ve had my moments.” I don’t know why, but the back of my neck’s sweating.
“Haven’t seen you with a single woman since you came back.”
“Haven’t seen you with one either,” I quip back.
His acknowledges that truth with a nod. “None of them can come close to Daphne. What’s the point?”
“That’s the attitude, Sparky.”
Daphne is his ex-girlfriend. They broke up over eight years ago. I love Danny, but rule number one, don’t lose your mind over a woman. Rule number two, if you’re going to break rule one, make sure your woman is going to stick around. Daphne is some sort of tech genius, and she left to take a job in Europe. She didn’t ask Danny to come with her because she said, and I quote, ‘You’re too basic.’
“Never said I had a good attitude,” he says with a small smile. “Don’t you think we have enough of that going on with the lovebirds in there?” He gestures to the plate glass door, through which I can see Burke twirling Delia around in a circle, her red-gold hair flying.
“Yes, it’s sickening.” I don’t really mean it, though. I like them together. It’s like getting trashed and watching a Hallmark movie.
Something I’ve obviously never done before.
“Don’t get me wrong,” Danny says. “She is absolutely the best thing that ever happened to him.”
“Huh, I thought I was,” I object.
He shoves my shoulder. “You’re the one who’s going to give us all heart attacks at a young age. You’re looking at Burke’s future widow in there, because of you.”
“Ha. Ha. Very funny. You know, maybe I’m more domestic than you. After all, Idohave a girlfriend who’s taking me to a wedding.” He knows about the whole Dr. Leonard situation, because that’s the kind of amusing shit you share with your friends. What I haven’t admitted to is my interest in Shauna.
He gives an amused sniff. “And you’re best buds with her grandmother. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you really are going domestic.”
“If I started living here, it would complete the process.”
“Would that be so bad?” he asks, giving me that look again, like he can see through me.
I consider it for a moment, because, damn, this place isnice, then shake my head. I want to keep an eye on the kid.