“I have a dog who hates him, so no. Bertie would have woken up the whole house.”
“That won’t hold,” Shane says, grimacing, “but it’s fucking weird that they’d think they have a case if he reported the truck stolen.”
“The people who made the anonymous report figured he wasn’t going to call it in,” Burke says, his jaw tight. His whole body radiates a cold fury I wouldn’t have thought him capable of.
“You think it was your parents?” Danny asks from his desk chair.
“Who else?”
“So, they hired someone to commit robberies and plant evidence in Leonard’s truck?” he asks, turning in his chair. “That’s ballsy.”
“They’ve been stuck behind the doors of that mansion,” he says, pacing. “They’ve had nothing to do but cause trouble. Plus, I know for a fact they’re in tight with the chief of police. There’s no way they don’t have their hand in this.”
Shane nods. “Can’t think of another reason why they’d bring him in even though he’d reported the truck…unless… What if the cop didn’t put in the paperwork? He might not’ve if he figured they weren’t going to find it.”
“Wouldn’t there be some record of that, though?” I ask. “He said he called the station.”
Shane nods again. He paces a few steps, jiggling something in his hand, which he then returns to his pocket. When he looks up at us again, he actually seems excited. “If your parents are behind this, Burke, they may have put their foot in it. This might be what brings them down.”
“As long as it gets Leonard out,” Burke replies.
“We’ll probably be able to bail him out within forty-eight hours,” Shane says. “He has no history of violent offenses. I checked.” His lips twitch. “All of his names.”
At least none he’s gotten thrown into jail for, thank God.
If I’m a heathen for thanking God for such a thing, so be it. Leonard’s a good man. He’s done bad things, but he wants to change. He has been changing, dammit.
“I’ll cover his bail, obviously,” Burke says.
Shane nods. “Well, I’m gonna go talk to him.”
“Can I come?” I ask, relieved and also terrified. Leonard didn’t sound like himself on the phone. He sounded broken. Defeated.
“You’re his girlfriend, right?”
They’re all looking at me as I swallow and nod.
“No, Shauna,” Shane says. “Not right now. But I’m going to do everything I can to get him home as soon as possible.” He has an air of competency that makes me believe him. Or maybe I just want to. “You’re right,” he adds. “Thisisbullshit. And I’m not going to stand for it.”
I try to tell myself Leonard will be glad to see Shane show up, to know that we’re all behind him.
Maybe it will give him the life raft he needs.
Because I’m worried he’s already losing himself.
I’m worried that he woke up in a cold sweat from one of his dreams, and found himself in the place he’s probably imagined himself for years.
I’m worried he thinks he deserves it.
Text conversation with Bianca:
I’m sorry. Colt says I was being irrational.
I just really want everything to go perfectly, you know?