Page 121 of You're so Bad

Throughout it all, Josie lurks at the outskirts of the group, watching us. Maybe it’s just because she got so much right on her last reading, but it’s creepy as hell. Melly keeps cornering her with questions about the aunt whose funeral she saw, until Josie tells her that her great aunt isn’t a clown who can be called out to do party tricks.

By the time Bianca declares that we’re done with the photos, I’m more than ready to leave.

“Can we get out of here?” I ask, leaning in to kiss Shauna’s neck. It’s sweaty.

“Please, for the love of God.”

“God’s got nothing to do with this, Tiger.” Then I break off a flower and tuck it behind her ear. I want to get her out of here and strip her out of that ridiculous balloon dress.

Bianca claps her hands, dramatic as hell, and says, “Let’s see what Josie the Great has to say about the wedding, everyone. It was so much fun to hear her predictions last time that I had to invite her back. After she gets done with Colt and me, you can ask her whatever you want, my treat.”

No one seems that enthusiastic about it, probably because we all remember what happened a couple of weekends ago. Queen Bee has a kind of manic energy tonight, and it don’t take a genius to figure out why. She’s a Type-A control freak, and Josie’s a wild card, not the kind of person anyone can control.

Champ rolls his eyes at me. We’re all still standing in a group after our last photo of the four of us. “Here we go again.”

Seriously…does he think we’re friends? I’ll have to disabuse him of that idea before he starts calling me to go to shitty football games, although I’m guessing I could win a pretty penny off him and his buddies in a round of poker.

Josie goes up to Bianca, and my first thought is that she’s got no crystal ball. Then she lifts a charm up from her necklace and stares into it for about thirty seconds before lifting it and staring at Bianca through it. We’re still out in the field of flowers, and I catch the photographer capturing this gem of a moment.

“Yes, I see it more clearly now,” Josie says. “The cake is still broken…”

A sound like an animal’s growl escapes Bianca, and Champ openly takes a swig from his flask.

“And he’s the one who’s going to break it.”

She points directly at me.

Well, shit. First her prediction about the slammer, now this. I guess she really does want payback for introducing her to these nutjobs.

“Doc?” Bianca says, her eyes full of accusation. “Howcouldyou?”

“I haven’t.” Admittedly, up until thirty minutes ago, I fully intended to make all of Josie’s predictions come true. I’m still mighty fond of the idea.

“You can’t come to the wedding,” she blurts. Then, shifting her gaze to Shauna, she says, “What do you even know about this guy?”

“Excuse me?” Shauna’s good and riled up, her cheeks flushed from more than the heat. “I know plenty. And are you telling me I can’t bring my boyfriend to your wedding because a dime-store psychic told you that he’s going to break your wedding cake? I mean, what the actual fuck?”

Josie shrugs. “I’ve been called worse, but it’s still hurtful.”

“Whoa now, Tiger.” I put a hand on her arm. “Bianca here just wants everything to be perfect on her special day. Who could blame her? Let’s have this conversation after we’ve all had a chance to calm down.”

“He’s not coming,” Bianca blusters, her cheeks red too. “You can bring someone else if you want. But I think you should really look into this guy. Because there’s no way he’s a doctor.”

“We saw his website,” Colter interjects.

“It was fishy.”

He belches loudly. “Screw this, Bee. He’s my friend, and he’ll be there. Right, bud?”

There’s murmuring from the other guests, and Shelly has the worried look of someone who’s going to be hearing a lot of bitching from both of them in the near future.

“Colter, are youdrunk?” Bianca asks, her voice pitchy.

I lean in close to Tiger, who’s still spitting mad and is staring at Bianca like she’d enjoy nothing more than swiping at her. “This isn’t going to go down well. Let’s get out of here while we still can.”

“I can’t let her—”

“Tiger,” I say, wrapping my arm around her. “Let’s go.”