“You can call me Doc,” I choke out.
“Doc,” Jelly Lady repeats. “I was so happy to hear that Shauna had met someone new. She’s such a lovely girl. But of course you already know that.” Then she takes a few steps closer, like she wants to come up to the window and shake my hand. No way can I let that happen, but what can I say to get her to step off?
My mind’s not working right, so I blurt out the first idea that surfaces. “Ma’am, I’m sorry to be crude, but you’d better stay back. We stopped at Taco Bell for lunch, and it’s like a hotbox in here.”
Shauna laughs a little against my dick, and it feels out-of-this-world good.
Fuck. I’m about to come in front of Jelly Lady, aren’t I?
“Oh,” the woman says, her expression as startled as if a bird just shit on her head. At a guess, nobody’s ever talked to her like that before in her whole life. “Oh, yes. Well, maybe I’ll go in and say hello to Shauna.”
“I wouldn’t go in there if I were you,” I say, my voice low. My face is probably all twisted up, because I can feel it—I’m right at the peak. Shauna stopped moving for a second, probably because she’s still fighting laughter, but one more suck or lick is all it’s going to take to get me there. “I’m not the only one who was having some stomach trouble, if you know what I mean. She might be in there for a while.”
That’s when it happens, Shauna pinches my thigh while she moves her mouth down, and I’m gone. I’m toast. I come in her mouth, and even though I didn’t mean to do it, I can’t regret this either, because it feels so damn good.
My face must look janked up, because Jelly Lady looks both worried and disgusted. She probably thinks I shit my pants.
“Oh dear,” she says, taking a step forward and then back. “Are you okay? Should I send over some Tums or Pepto? Or…I guess you are a doctor, but we can find someone else in the party who’s a doctor, I’m sure.”
I’m tempted to ask for their name so I can stay the hell away from them.
“That’s swell of you to offer,” I say, my voice probably coming out strained. I feel Shauna pulling off my dick and then tugging up my underwear, but she keeps her face down in my lap, her breath fluttering off my still-sensitive cock, even though it’s covered. “But, you know, I always carry that stuff with me. Being a doctor and all. We’ll see you down at the shindig.”
She seems uncertain, like if she goes now, she’d be leaving us to die in this remote cabin, so I say, “Everyone knows the price of Taco Bell, am I right? But it feels so good going down, it’s worth it.”
Jelly Lady gives a nervous laugh. “Oh, yes. Well.” She checks her watch, hopefully because she’s got the hint and is finally going to leave, and says, “Looks like there’s just fifteen minutes before the opening reception. I’ll have to find some time with Shauna later tonight.Thank you,Doc.”
“And your name?” I ask.
“Oh dear,” she says with a tittering laugh, then takes another step closer.
“Hotbox,” I remind her.
“Yes, that’s right.” She comes to a stop, thank all that’s unholy. “I’m Shelly. I look forward to getting to know you better.”
A lot of fuss for one of her son’s ex-squeezes if you ask me, but maybe she has a guilty conscience. Guilt can be a powerful motivator.
“Okay, I’d better make this call, Shelly. It’s about this kid with a really jacked-up leg. I’m gonna make him run again, you mark my words.”
“What’s wrong with him?” She looks like she wants to run over to the hospital and give him a hug. I’m starting to get what Shauna meant about the whole jelly thing.
“HIPAA,” I say, patting the side of my nose. “Can’t tell you, unfortunately.”
“Of course,” she says. It really is the magic word, because she turns and leaves. I wait until her back is far enough in the distance that I know she’s actually leaving before I pull Shauna up off my lap.
“You’re a naughty girl,” I tell her, my voice gruff, because she looks hot as hell with her hair mussed up from my hands, her lips swollen. My cum down her throat.
“You like it.”
I kiss her hard. “Damn right.”
Her eyes are shining when I pull away. “Hotbox?”
I have to laugh as I lift my shorts up. “I couldn’t think with your lips around my cock. It’s your fault.”
“Now I’m going to have to pretend to have a stomach ache all night.”
“Nah, eat everything you want, and prove to her you’re a fighter. Now let’s go check out our digs.”