Page 10 of The Followers

“Did you have fun at Lily’s?” Molly asked, smiling at her new stepdaughter. Ella was almost ten years old, with olive skin and wavy black hair, and the same careful smile and quiet personality as Scott. Molly adored her already, but so far the feeling wasn’t exactly mutual.

Ella briefly glanced at Molly, then turned and ran down the hall to her bedroom without saying a word. Molly sighed, watching her go. Ella seemed to regard Molly as an interloper, and Molly couldn’t blame her; she’d had her dad all to herself for years. But Molly had spent the past few months, ever since Scott asked her to marry him, reading about blended families. She was determined to win Ella over, in time.

“I’m sorry,” Scott said quietly. “This is a lot of change for her. New school, new neighborhood, new family members.”

She gave him a bright smile, not wanting him to worry. “We’re settling in just fine. Ella’s going to love me, wait and see.”

His arms slipped around her waist as he whispered, “Let’s get the girls to bed early. I need you tonight.”

She leaned against him and nodded.


The official discussion forum for Molly Sullivan of An Invincible Summer

MissLovelyPeach posted:

Ok y’all, who saw that Pap smear video yesterday?? Now we have the mental image of Molly Sullivan getting a gyne exam forever stuck in our minds.

DanceMom replied:

Can I just add that if your going to have blond highlights can you PLEAZZZZZ get your roots done!

IhateMollySullivan4Eva replied:

I guess showing your bad dye job is called being authentic and vulnerable

BTW Has she posted more about her husband?? I got me a screenshot of that photo she posted back when they got engaged. He gives me a Chris Hemsworth vibe. Mmmmmm, Thor......

Meow17 replied:

I wonder how long this husband will stick around the last one left her after less than a year. Im guessing shes difficult to live with.

IhateMollySullivan4Eva replied:

She has no boundaries. Remember when she got a call from Clovers preschool that she fell off the monkey bars and BROKE HER ARM? Molly started a live video of herself to show the world how worried she was. Like who does that? GO TAKE CARE OF YOUR KID.

Meow17 replied:

Speaking of Clover I hate that little bitch kid so much why is she always wearing such stupid princess costumes and why doesn’t Molly brush her kid’s hair????

KaylieBeth [moderator]:

Please remember minors under 18 are not to be discussed on SRMI. Feel free to snark on Molly as much as you want, though!!!


Meow17 replied:

Sorry KaylieBeth. <3

IhateMollySullivan4Eva replied:

Today’s video was all about getting attention. Her book fell of the NYT bestseller list and she needs to sell more copies. It’s pathetic.

MissLovelyPeach replied:

What’s even more pathetic is how her followers eat it up. Those Invincibles are like a flock of sheep all wearing matching Molly Sullivan ponytails and pink sunglasses. Bless their little hearts.