Pulling myself up, I grabbed Hasho’s sleeve. “He was here,” I whispered hoarsely. “Bandur…”
My brother and Takkan exchanged looks. “Are you certain?” asked Hasho.
“Without a doubt. He…he was in Qinnia.” I glanced at her. “Is she well?”
The crown princess looked as confused as she was shaken. She dropped the dates from her hands, trembling visibly as she wiped the stains from her fingers on a cloth. She wouldn’t look at me, which was understandable. At least her eyes were clear.
Bandur was gone. For now.
“Are you hurt?” Andahai asked his wife. His voice was tight. He hadn’t heard what I told Takkan and Hasho, and he had to be fuming.
As Qinnia gave a meek nod, some of the servants frowned. I could imagine what they thought. That I was jealous of the new princess, that during my absence I had gone mad. That I really was a dangerous sorceress.
My mouth went dry. I wanted to explain everything, but now wasn’t the time.
“I’d like to be excused,” I said to Father in my lowest, quietest voice. “May Takkan escort me to my room?”
Usually that was Hasho’s role, or even Benkai’s, but my father glanced at Takkan, then nodded. “Go. And don’t leave your room until I send for you.”
Before I left, I exchanged a look with Hasho, knowing I could trust him to lead the investigation. He would explain to my brothers—especially Andahai—what had happened.
“What did you see?” Takkan asked quietly once we were alone in the hall.
“Bandur.” I shivered, still haunted. “He spoke to me—through Qinnia.”
“What did he say?”
“He was in a chatty mood. He bragged that he could take on anyone’s body if he wished. He said he wasn’t the one who poisoned me but that he did kill nine priestesses of the Holy Mountains.”
Takkan paused in his step. “Perhaps we shouldn’t go to the breach tomorrow.”
“Shouldn’t go?” I exclaimed. “Bandur knows I’m back. There’s no point hiding.”
“Shiori, he tried to kill you.”
“It wasn’t him.”
“How do you know?”
He told me so, I almost said before realizing how ridiculous that sounded. “There has to be a ritual—to sever my bond with the pearl.”
“He wants you at the Holy Mountains. You’d only be playing into his hands.”
“I need to see the breach,” I insisted. “I can find a way to seal him back inside.”
Takkan didn’t argue, though I could tell I hadn’t convinced him. “Let’s discuss this tomorrow. You need rest.” He took one step back. “I’ll keep watch outside.”
“You’re not my bodyguard.”
“I’m not,” he agreed. “I’m your betrothed. Officially again, as of tonight—which means you can’t dismiss me.” He settled in a corner. “Go to sleep.”
I was still standing in my doorway. “You’re impossible, Bushi’an Takkan,” I muttered, loud enough for him to hear. “I liked you better when I had the bowl on my head and you had no idea who I was.”
It was a lie, and we both knew it.
He bowed, completely unruffled. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Shiori.”
Somehow, in the midst of the danger awaiting us, those were the sweetest words I had heard in months.