Page 93 of Love on the Byline

“What’s it been like living out here around all this?” sheasked, eyeing him over the rim of her champagne glass.

“Exhausting,” he said with a rueful smile. “But it has itsown rewards. L.A.’s a unique place. One minute you can be at a launch party atthe mansion of some hot, new director and the next you’re getting coffee from aplace that serves breakfast twenty-four-seven with last year’s Oscar winner.”

“It sounds amazing.”

“It is.” He ran his hand over the fine linen tablecloth.“This suits some people, like Bran.”

“But not you?”

“No, but I realized pretty quickly that if I ever wanted totake a crack at writing, I needed to be where the action is.”

She only recognized a handful of people in the room, but sheknew many of those gathered had the power to make or break a career. Whether itwas someone like Lowan Farrell or the white-haired man holding court threetables over from theirs, the seconds on the clock were precious. There wereaspirants everywhere hoping to spend them wisely in the company of the rightperson.

“I respect that,” she said

His eyes warmed as he smiled, the expression erasing theever-present worry from his face. “It’s nice to be around someone who isn’t tryingto hustle or find their next...whatever.”

She grinned. “Who says I’m not? I am here on assignment,remember.”

“Indeed.” His lips curved into a grin that made his eyestwinkle and made her only dimly aware of the people around them.

The band started up a familiar song and Ollie stoodgracefully, holding out his hand.

“Come on. You need to dance.”

She hesitated, glancing around. “My boss’s boss’s boss ishere.”

“Everyone here is too busy plotting their next move to payany attention.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her from the chair. “Besides,you look too good not to dance.”

Blake liked this side of Ollie. Laughing, she let him leadher to the dance floor.

She expected it to be awkward, but he smoothly pulled herinto his arms. She settled one hand on his shoulder, the other in his hand, andlet him sway her.

Around them, other guests were dancing, so she settled intohis embrace and tried not to think about how perfect it felt to be there withhim.

“See?” he said. “It’s not so bad.”

“Yeah, yeah. You were right,” she teased. They danced for awhile and Blake took in more of the crowd. Even on the dance floor, the conversationnever ceased. No doubt, deals were being struck. Promises made. “Is being anactor as cutthroat as it seems?”

“You should probably ask Bran that question.”

“I will, but you’re in a unique position to observe. Iremember how good you were at analyzing things. What’s your take?”

Ollie hummed. “It depends. Mostly, it’s just a matter ofluck and being in the right place at the right time.”

She understood that. More than she wanted to.

“And talent, of course,” he added.

“So, why don’t you use your own luck and jump in?”

“I have zero interest in acting.”

She rolled her eyes. “You know exactly what I mean.”

“Everyone is on my case today,” he said, sighing heavily.“Can’t we just enjoy...this?”

Smiling, he squeezed her a little tighter.