Page 87 of Love on the Byline

“H-hang on.” When he regained control of himself, he wipedhis eyes. “Jesus, I’ve never seen you like this. You dolt, I said she was niceto look at, not that I wanted to get with her. This isn’t high school where wetalk about like and like like. Okay?”

“Okay, fine.”

“What I meant was, I like this for you. When this wholeprofile thing is done, I think you should go for it,” he said. “I’d tell you togo for it now, but I figure she wouldn’t want to cross any professional lines.”

“That’s…surprisingly astute of you.”

“Ooo! Astute. I got one of the big words, so I must havedone something right.” He winked.

Ollie shoved his knee. “Like I said, you’re an idiot.”

“Yeah, well, I have my own agenda tonight, but I want you torelax and hang out with your future girlfriend.”

He pretended the jolt of possessiveness he got from hearingthose words didn’t occur. “What is on your agenda tonight?”

“Hang with Val, for one thing.”

“Is that smart?”

Bran frowned. “I’m not allowed to spend time with my oldestfriend at a public event?”

“Of course you are. Just…” He searched for words thatwouldn’t piss off his oldest friend. “Keep a cool distance when you interactwith her. I think she’ll understand.”

“She doesn’t understand this anymore than I do, but she saidthis isn’t her first rodeo.” Bran grit his teeth. “People still give her shitfor the way she and Sam came together. I mean, he gets it too, he was marriedat the time, as toxic as that relationship was. But it’s nothing like thethings people say about Val.”

“She’s the woman,” he agreed.

“She’s a Black woman,” Bran corrected him. “And I’ma Black man.”

“Your mom is white, so doesn’t that mean you’re mixed?”

“Dude, this is America. Besides, I’m proud of my skin justlike Val is proud of hers, but they sure do love to make it a liability whenthey can.”

“And by they, you mean…?”

Bran shrugged. “Everyone. Sam gets a pass from peoplebecause he was bewitched by the sexy, Black seductress.” He lifted his hand tomake air quotes around the phrase.

“Jesus, do people really believe that shit?”

“Yes. And now I’m the baddie because someone thinks I’mstabbing Sam in the back. It’s ridiculous.”

“Well, it’ll blow over. In the meantime, don’t give anyonemore fuel to throw onto the fire. Maybe Rory should stick closer to you. I’msure we could have them issue him security credentials.”

He met Rory’s gaze in the rear-view mirror.

“If I’m inside, you’ll need someone on standby with the car.”

Bran shook his head. “I don’t think anything will pop off ata high-profile event.”

Ollie wasn’t convinced, but he acquiesced.

“Don’t worry about me, you stick close to Blake.” Bran gavehim a knowing smirk.

“Shut up.”

“I didn’t say a word!” He was laughing again.

“Fucking idiot.”