“The updates are nice,” Blake observed as she eyed theofferings on the table.
“It’s attracted a completely different clientele. Littleperks like this,” Willow said, pointing at the table. “The cranberry-orangescones are a favorite of mine. Try one.”
“I’m fine.” But the pastries were temptingly fresh. Rumblingloudly, her stomach decided it was a good time to make its presence known. AtWillow’s amused expression, she gave in and grabbed one of the scones. “Thanks.It was too early to pick up anything before I rushed over here.”
As Blake took a bite of the sinfully delicious breakfasttreat, Willow stepped closer.
“Your boss said I could trust you not to name me as asource?”
Chewing, she nodded. “Mmm hmm.”
“Good. I don’t want to lose my position here over a lousyfive hundred dollars.”
Five hundred? That was a lot of money. She hopedGid would pay her back right away. “You have my word.”
Willow studied her for a moment before she seemed to arriveat a satisfying conclusion. Stepping back, she cleared her throat. “Allow me toshow you where the business center is.”
Before she could ask why, Willow turned and began walkingaway. Blake jogged to catch up with her. “The business center?”
“And the ATM.”
She gave Blake privacy as she withdrew the money. The billswere crisp and folded neatly before she slipped them into Willow’s hand.
The alcove they stood in was off of the main lobby, but shecould see Stewart standing by the door.
He casually drank from his own coffee cup and looked likeany other patron waiting for a car to pick them up.
“While I appreciate the coffee and the food, can you tell mewhat you saw?”
Willow nodded and moved closer. “Karen’s makeup assistantand I were in high school together.”
Blake already didn’t trust how many degrees apart this storybegan, but she nodded.
“She was here last Friday to brainstorm her look for someawards show,” the woman continued, “Karen checked in early last week under apseudonym.”
“She’s been here for over a week?”
“Weird, right? She has some big house in Laurel Canyon, andshe’s staying here? Something is up. Anyway, my friend and I ran into each otherin the lobby. My day was over, so I invited her to the bar for a drink or three.Believe me, I wasn’t looking for any dirt from her.”
“Of course not.” Blake didn’t buy that for a second. “So,the guy is still here with her?”
“Was. Last night, anyway. I haven’t seen him this morning.Trust me, I’ve been looking.” Willow got a dreamy look in her eyes. “He was sohot, I wouldn’t blame Karen for cheating on her man. Anyway, Amelia—that’s myfriend—said this guy showed up wearing a baseball cap and some glasses, and shethinks he’s a model.”
“And he went to Karen’s room?”
“They were having dinner when Amelia left them.”
“What time was that?”
“Eight-ish,” Willow supplied. “We were at the bar until atleast eleven, and we didn’t see him leave. Like I said, I haven’t seen him atall since then. When I came in this morning, Karen had checked out.”
That…didn’t sound good for Karen, whoever she was. Blakewasn’t a fan of slut-shaming people, especially women, but she’d been paid toget information. She finished off her scone and looked for a place to set hercup down, settling on the ledge of a small window. She pulled out her notepad,preferring to take notes that way. Just because she hated this kind ofjournalism, if you could call it that, didn’t mean she would half-ass it.
“Alright, Willow. What other salacious tidbits did Ameliaplate up for you?”
“Oh, salacious,” she purred. “That’s a great word.”