Val bit her bottom lip, drawing it into her mouth.
Both she and her husband looked like they were about toburst.
“Wait,” Rudy said, scooting to the edge of the set he sharedwith Tre. His eyes lit up. “Val... You’re not...”
“Holy hell,” Bran said, getting to his feet. “Can I finallystop carrying this around?”
“Carrying what?” Blake asked.
“You’re having a baby?” Ollie asked.
Val nodded vigorously, and Sam looked like he was about tohyperventilate, though he was smiling from ear to ear.
“We haven’t made it public, yet.” Sam was beaming.
“Yes, please don’t say anything,” Val added.
“Dammit, guys.” Bran exhaled. “I’ve never had to keep asecret like that before.”
“We have an interview set up with Melanie Cobb,” Val toldhim. “You’ll be off the hook soon.”
“Wait.” Blake eyed him. “Is this why you were spending somuch time at Val’s when Sam was out of the country?”
“It was,” Val replied. “I had horrible morning sickness. Itlasted all the damn time, and I was miserable. Bran was sweet enough to hangout when I was missing Sam.”
“Thanks again for that, Bran.” Sam lifted his glass in atoast.
Bran waved him off. “Just looking out for big sis.”
“I’m so happy for you guys,” Blake said. “That baby is goingto be adorable.”
“And spoiled rotten. I’m gonna be the best uncle.” Bran waspreening.
“Oh, God.” Val laughed, shoving his shoulder. “We’re goingto have to have a talk, I think.”
“Nooooo,” Bran said. “I’ve had to carry this burden forever.It’s my right to get the kid anything I want. Drums, one of those mini Jeeps...uh...ababy boat. Do they make boats for babies?”
“Do we need to take out a restraining order?” Sam asked,chuckling as he pulled Val closer.
Ollie watched the exchange with a full heart, as Blake reachedfor his hand and squeezed.
Blake snuggled in close. “I’m so happy for them. They’vebeen through a lot, and look at her. She’s glowing.”
He kissed her hair, unable to keep the smile from his face.He was in love with such a wonderful, kind woman. Struck by the sudden thought,the breath whooshed out of his lungs.
“Are you okay, babe?” She looked at him, concerned.
“Yeah,” he replied, coughing a little. “Fine. Forgot how todrink liquids.”
Loving her wasn’t a surprise as much as it was a revelation.He had hovered in Blake’s orbit in college.
After that, she’d become an ideal to him, one that he’d putfirmly in the realm of impossibility until she appeared in his life again. Andin the last few months, they had grown from impossibility to possibility toreality.
Now, she was his friend and lover, his rock and hischampion. She was the woman he couldn’t imagine life without. When she smiledat him, it made him feel like the luckiest man in the world.
It was too fucking early for him to picture the two of themlike that, married with babies on the way. Way too early.
But the reality of her far outshone any fantasy he may haveheld about holding Blake’s heart in his.