Page 146 of Love on the Byline

She was grateful this end of the pool was shallow and shewas able to brace her feet on the bottom and keep him afloat. She leanedforward and kissed the head of his cock before taking him into her mouth.

“Fuck,” he muttered.

Taking her time, she explored him with lips, teeth, andtongue. She loved being able to take over like this, to be in control withoutfeeling like they were on borrowed time.

Instead of thinking about the future or the past, shefocused on giving him pleasure, licking and nipping until his hips werestraining in her hands.


Her name on his lips was followed by a burst of saltypre-come on her tongue and he moaned.

With a moan of her own, she leaned forward and slid hertongue along the vein running the length of his erection. Drawing back up tothe head, she ran it around the crown and down again and again.

“Oh my God.” He was panting now. Blake took his full lengthinto her mouth. “Blake. Blaaaaake.” It was a quiet warning, but shekept going, making sounds of encouragement.

She felt the moment his body seized up before a low growlbubbled up from his chest and he flooded her mouth.

Blake swallowed every drop and held onto Ollie’s hips as hecame down.

Eventually he righted himself, eyeing her like she was somesort of miracle he’d just discovered floating in the water.

“I didn’t think...” he began. “I wasn’t expecting you to...”

“Why don’t we both throw our expectations out the window,”she proposed.

His smile made her insides flutter. “I like the sound ofthat.”

Ollie pulled her close and cupped her face in his hands. Thekiss was slow, tentative.

“Let me feed you,” he said.

You just did, she didn’t reply, grinning toherself.

Wrapped in soft towels, they ate fruit, cheese, and freshbread with fresh basil and thin slices of prosciutto. They talked about life inPhilly versus life in California, about the things they liked and the thingsthey missed.

As the sun set, Ollie lit the candles that had been placedall over the patio, and they sat at the table and talked some more. The entiretime he kept a hand on her. Her arm, her leg, the back of her neck when he drewher in for a kiss.

They were using the time as they saw fit, not treating it assomething they had in limited quantity.

“Will you show me some of your writing?” she asked afterthey’d been dancing by the pool for a while, her head on his shoulder. She woreone of his T-shirts, and it came down to her thighs.

Ollie was in a pair of basketball shorts and nothing else.She wished he could walk around like that all the time because…yum.

“I don’t have anything finished,” he said.


Pulling back, he rubbed the back of his neck and shegiggled.

“You really don’t want me to read your stuff.”

“It’s not that,” he said, hedging. “I do.”


She watched him wrestle with the idea before saying, “Yeah,okay. C’mon.”

He led her into his bungalow where they sat on theoverstuffed sofa. The windows were open to the breezes coming off the pool andthe ocean beyond. It wasn’t as upscale and modern as the one in La Jolla, butit had more personality. She liked it a lot.