Page 138 of Love on the Byline

“Please. Lowan is fine.” He released her and stepped aside.“Mr. Lopez. May I call you Gideon? How long have you been with us at theGazette?”

“Uh, fifteen years, sir. Lowan. And yeah, Gideon is fine.”

Lowan picked up the framed master’s degree Gideon had throwninto one of the boxes. “I’m sure you have...a bad taste in your mouth fromrecent events, but I would consider it a personal favor if you would step intothe role of Editor-in-Chief. It recently became vacant.”

Gideon’s wild gaze flicked to her and back to Lowan. “Chief?Me?”

“You don’t think you’re qualified?”

Gideon let out a startled laugh. “I am. It’s just...” Heshook his head. “The Gazette has a lot of untapped potential, but a reputationto clean up as well.”

“I agree,” Lowan said. He turned to Blake. “You’d besatisfied with this arrangement?”

“I’d be delighted, sir.”



“And...I’m sorry for my behavior at the gala,” he added.“The last time we spoke, I was...not myself.”

“Apology accepted,” she replied with a nod.

“Good, then. I’ll leave you to it.” Lowan moved to the door.“Gideon, will you need someone to help you move your things into your newoffice?”

Gideon grinned. “Nope, I’m good. Blake owes me a favor,” hesaid, picking up a box and holding it out for her.


It was a good interview. As he read, Ollie’s chest filledwith pride for both Blake and Bran, as well as white hot anger towards Sonjafucking James.

“Why didn’t you ever tell me?” He couldn’t fathom the shameand embarrassment Bran had been carrying all this time.

Bran shrugged. His eyes were hidden behind his sunglasses,but Ollie knew his best friend too well. He could see the tension in hisshoulders and in the corner of his mouth.

“It wouldn’t have changed anything,” Bran said at last.

“Wouldn’t it have? Did Clark know? Noelia?”

“No.” Bran shook his head. “Not the full story.”


They were back in La Jolla, out by the pool. The sun washigh in the sky and the waves were lapping gently on the sand twenty feetbelow. He leaned against one of the posts that held up the pergola. Bran wassitting cross-legged on a lounger.

“I wish you had told me.”

“I know.”

“You’ve carried my secret but didn’t trust me with yours.”

Bran turned his head. “It wasn’t like that. I...” Hereleased a heavy breath. “I didn’t want pity. Or for anyone to look at me likeI was a victim. Or worse, a liar.”

“A liar?”

“Look at me, Ols. And look at Sonja. Do you think anyonewould believe I was afraid of her?”

“There’s more than one way to have power over someone,”Ollie said, sitting on the lounger next to his. Facing him, he put a hand onBran’s back. “And do you think you’re the only person she’s done this to?”