Page 135 of Love on the Byline

Brandon: It definitely has, yes.

Blake: Do you think it’s an accurate perception?

Brandon: (laughs) Of course not. It would be likejudging a chef by the number of dishes he’s burned.

Blake: An interesting analogy.

Brandon: A fairly accurate one.

Blake: Who would be the dish in this scenario, the womenyou’ve been associated with or you?

Brandon: I think it depends on who you ask.

Blake: I’m asking you.

Brandon: I think I’m caught up in the cogs of awell-oiled media rumor machine and a case of severely compromised journalisticethics.

Blake: That’s quite an accusation. Will you tell me whoit’s aimed towards? Certainly not me.

Brandon: No, not you.

Blake: Then who?

Here, Cody pauses. Despite his reputation for beingcavalier, some would say reckless, he chooses his words carefully.

Brandon: Could I tell you a story?

Blake: Sure.

Brandon: Once upon a time, there was a young kid,twenty-one years old, who moved to Los Angeles with dreams of making it.

Blake: You could be describing hundreds, thousands ofpeople.

Brandon: [smiling] Indeed. But this kid, he’s completelygreen when it comes to how things work out here. He’s from back East, a recentcollege graduate. Back home, he was a big deal. Athletic, popular, adored byhis family and friends.

Blake: And his ego is smashed when he realizes he’smoved to a town full of people just like him? Blake: All dreaming the samedream?

Brandon: Not quite. See, this kid was determined and ahard worker. He took any role they offered, played every part they asked himto. He didn’t make one misstep. Except for one.

Blake: And that was?

Brandon: There was a reporter, very respected. They metat one of the kid’s first press junkets. He only had a small part, but he madean impression on her. She told him he had “it” - star quality. She told him shewanted to interview him individually, to give his profile a boost. Said itwould be a big deal to have her interview him.

Blake: And he agreed?

Brandon: [another smile] Of course he did. Only, when hewent to meet her it wasn’t an interview she wanted.

Blake: What happened?

Cody stays silent, and it’s plain that he is having difficultyfinding the right words.

Blake: Do you want to stop?

Cody’s manager tries to intervene, as does his bestfriend-slash-assistant, but the actor waves them off.

Brandon: The kid gets out of there, thank God. Heliterally runs out of the house and walks for a mile before he’s able to catcha ride back to the studio apartment he shares with a budding director andanother young actor.

Blake: And the reporter?