Page 122 of Love on the Byline

“I don’t want this location known to anyone outside this group,”Rory said. “I know we’re not talking about a security issue, not yet anyway,but I’d feel better with something off the books until we identify the personwho stole his data.”

She rubbed her temples. “Why did I move to Los Angeles?”

“I ask myself that question every day,” Ollie said.

“Okay,” Noelia sighed. “I swear, Bran, I’m going to havesilver hair because of you. Listen up. Stay the course. Blake, keep shadowingBran and schedule the shoot. Bran, do...whatever it is you do.”

He snorted. “Nice, Ellie.”

“Oliver, how hard will it be to extend the rental at LaJolla?”

“Not hard at all. For how long?”

“Keep it open-ended if you can,” she replied. “Rory, can youstick someone on Bran’s house?”

“I’ve got a guy there already.”

“Excellent. Clark, you and I can coordinate offline. I’llcome by your office.”

“What are you planning?” he asked.

“Whoever sent the photos wants a spectacle, but we’re notgoing to give them one,” Noelia said. “Blake, write the best damn actorspotlight that’s ever been written. And Bran, this is still a big opportunityfor you to show the public a different side.”

Bran met Blake’s gaze. “I can do that.”

“You definitely can,” she said giving him a smile.

“Alright,” Noelia said. “We all have our roles. Let’s put ona show.”

Her hand in Ollie’s, Blake was more than ready.


Blake had been on the call with Yara Bujold for an hour,listening to the harrowing ordeal of her accident and return from the dead. Itsounded like something from true crime TV, complete with a romantic ending.

“You really showed up at Cam’s pub with a gun?”

“And pointed it at me,” Cam said over her shoulder. BehindBlake, Rory chuckled. “Shut it, cousin.”

“I didn’t say a word, cousin.”

They were on a video call, the two of them moving about thekitchen of their home in Philadelphia as they prepared dinner. Blake couldn’tdeny that they made a handsome couple. Yara, famous for her violet-colored eyesand husky voice, had the kind of dark beauty that used to make Blake jealous asa teen.

As for Cam, his face matched the voice she’d heard on thephone when she called before. She’d been surprised to learn that Rory, who wasfrom Ireland, was cousins with a pair of Scottish twins but the resemblance wasundeniable. If the word strapping needed a photographic reference, these threemen would do nicely.

“I’m sure Rory told you already, but whatever we can do tohelp bring down Diamond Moon, let us know,” Cam said.

“I thought you left the Skinner Agency.”

“Aye, I did, but I’ll come out of retirement for this.”Cam’s expression was fierce.

“I occasionally freelance for them on the West Coast,” Roryadded. “This I’ll do because those fuckers need to go down.”

“Thank you both for all of your help,” she said. “Yara, Cam,I’ll be in touch.”

There was a knock at the door before it opened, and Olliepoked his head inside. “I heard voices.”

“We just finished with Yara and Camden.”