He made a sound of disapproval. “Now, now. I told you tocall me Lowan.”
“S-sorry, Lowan,” she replied. Her words weren’t as crisp asthey usually were. She definitely wasn’t herself.
“Lowan, have we met?” Plastering on his biggest Hollywoodsmile, Bran slid between them, his hand out.
The man frowned until recognition seemed to dawn on him.“Why, no. Brandon Cody,” he said, shaking his hand. “Good to meet you.”
A woman stepped out from behind him. “Bran is responsiblefor quite a bit of our revenue, thanks to his, uh, colorful sociallife.”
His smile tightening, Bran shoved his hands into hispockets. “Well, you know what they say. You can’t always believe what theyprint.”
“Hello, Brandon.”
“Sonja. I didn’t know you were here.”
“I see you’ve met the Editor-in-Chief at my local paper,”Lowan said.
“I have,” Bran responded coolly.
“Lowan, Blake is writing that feature on Bran for the Gazette.”
Beside him, Ollie felt Blake rally to stand a littlestraighter.
“I am.”
Lowan turned to Bran. “That’s right. Sonja tells me you’regiving us an exclusive.” His gaze traveled from the arm Ollie had aroundBlake’s waist to the protective stance Bran had taken in front of her, and backto Bran’s face.
“I hope you’re giving her all the access she needs,” Sonjasaid.
The insinuation made Ollie want to throw Blake over hisshoulder and get her the hell out of there. He forced himself to remain still.
Bran’s smile turned lethal, and he took a step closer. “Ofcourse. Blake has journalistic integrity. It’s rare these days, and she’s the onlyperson I’d trust with my story.”
Lowan narrowed his eyes as he looked between Bran and Sonja.“In that case, I can’t wait to read the piece, Blake.”
Ollie nudged her.
“I-I’m excited for you to read it.”
Lowan clapped Bran on the arm. “Good to meet you, son.”
“Later, Bran,” Sonja called out as she took Lowan’s arm andwalked away.
Ollie saw Bran’s hands ball into fists.
“That woman wouldn’t know a moral code if it hit her in theface,” Bran said.
“Let’s get the hell out of here.” Ollie guided Blake towardsthe exit.
The side door opened into an alley, which was thankfullyempty.
“Where did you park?” He asked Blake.
She ran a hand over her forehead. “In the garage by theGucci store.”
“Where’s your ticket?” Bran asked, taking her clutch fromher.
“Hey! What are you doing?”