Page 140 of Love on the Byline


“I’m a selfish asshole. Ask Blake.”

Ollie laughed softly. “I don’t think she thinks of you thatway anymore.” He paused. “Well, that’s not all she thinks of you. Anyone whodoes doesn’t know you very well.”

The car stopped at a red light, and he put his hand onBran’s shoulder. “You need more people in your corner. And you would have themif you trusted people. If you actually let them in.” He flicked a glance atRory, who nodded.

“Take the job,” Bran said, his voice thick. “I’ll figurethings out on my own.”

Ollie eyed him closely. “How about this? I’ll take the joband transition out of my position as your executive assistant if you let mefind you a manager. You need someone to handle your daily business, but I willbe around to help you in any way you need. As your friend.”

“You need a team,” Rory said from the front. “Sorry toeavesdrop, but it blows my mind that you only have four people handlingeverything.”

“I have an attorney, too,” Bran argued.

Rory shook his head, pulling off with traffic as the lightchanged.

“Do you know people?” he asked.

“I know people.” Rory nodded. “Good people.”

“See?” he said, turning back to Bran. “Looks like I’m goingto work with Lorna.”

Bran smiled. “What about you and Blake?”

He sat back. “I’m not sure, there. This stuff with theGazette...”

“She’ll probably be out of job.”

“There’s nothing keeping her in L.A.” It hurt to say it outloud, but it was the truth.

“There’s you, idiot.” Bran looked at him as if he’d lost hislast remaining brain cell.

“We haven’t talked... I mean, we’re not... I don’t knowwhere we stand. There hasn’t been time know, sort it out.”

“You’ll have all kinds of free time now,” Bran said,waggling his eyebrows. “I was thinking, by the way, I know you were talking ofmoving into the main house, but you should probably stay in the bungalow.”

“You don’t want it for your new manager?”

“Hell, no,” Bran said, scowling. “They won’t be living withme. Are you fucking kidding?”

“What the hell? You insisted I stay with you.”

“Because you’re my best friend, and I didn’t want yousaddled with trying to find a place you could afford.”

He sat there stunned, his heart hurting. “Bran. Dude...”

“Yeah, yeah.” he waved him off. “The free ride is over. Iexpect rent from now on.”

Ollie cleared his throat. “Of course. Whatever you think isfair.”

“Maybe you cook for me once or twice a week? I know the shitHans makes is good for me, or whatever, but he can’t throw down like you.”

Smiling, Ollie nodded. “Deal.”

“Thanks for coming,” Deanna said, smiling at him. “And Mr.Cody, I wasn’t expecting you. It’s so nice to meet you. I’m a fan of yourwork.”

Bran shook her hand, giving her one of his most charmingsmiles. “The pleasure is mine. I’m a huge admirer of the work you do here.Ollie and Val have been trying to get me involved and I hope to, schedulepermitting.”