“I’d been texting him because I’d locked myself out of ourroom,” Bran said, his breaths coming short. “If I hadn’t left my key in theroom, I...I...”
“But you did. He did,” she said, turning to him.“And...everything is okay now?”
Ollie knew what she meant. “The school wouldn’t allow me toreturn unless I agreed to counseling, which I’m grateful for. I’ve been seeingsomeone ever since.”
She smiled with obvious relief. “I’m glad. What about yourfamily? They didn’t want to keep you at home after that?”
“They don’t know. I never told them.”
“Still?” Bran seemed surprised.
“No. And since I wasn’t a minor, they were never notified.”
“How is that possible?”
“My mom was Ollie’s emergency contact,” Bran informed her.
Ollie watched her process that information, knowing sheprobably had no trouble putting the pieces together.
“I was in a very dark place,” he said. “That night couldhave been a lot worse, but Bran found me.” He swallowed around the lump in histhroat, forever in awe of his own good fortune. “He pulled me out of the pooland called an ambulance. And here we are.”
Blake’s eyes had filled with unshed tears, but the cornersof her lips tugged up in a gentle smile. “I’m so glad, Oliver.” Sheturned to Bran as if seeing him in a new light. “I really get it now.”
Ollie felt a swell of emotion within him. He nodded,blinking back the sudden tears that gathered in his eyes.
“What bends the bough doesn’t always have to break it,” Bransaid.
She smiled. “You know, I didn’t believe you’d watched ituntil now.”
“Watched what?” Bran said, frowning.
“I Am My Own Country,” she replied, and Ollie’sheart jumped into his throat.
He turned to Bran and tried to catch his gaze.
“The film?” she added, blinking innocently.
“Oh! I totally forgot it was a quote from one of Ollie’sboring old period flicks. God, no. I fall asleep within ten minutes of one ofthose. Wouldn’t mind shooting one, though. The Academy loves them.”
Her gaze swung to Ollie, full of mischief, and he had tobite the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing.
“You know,” she said, gathering her things as she stood. “Ithink I’m going to go get some work done while you go over those questions.I’ll see if Hans will let me take a bowl of that granola.”
“Help yourself to whatever you like,” Bran said, oblivious.
“Thank you.”
Ollie watched her retreating form until she disappeared downthe path and into the pool house.
“You’re drooling again,” Bran teased.
“Fuck,” he swore, exhausted from the emotional rollercoasterhe’d been on in the last few minutes. “You’re an idiot.”
“What’s wrong? I thought that went fairly well,considering,” Bran said. “Though you and I have a lot to discuss about yourfuture in my employ.”
That sent a fresh wave of panic racing through him, and heput his head in his hands. “I need a vacation.”
“Dude, you’re freaking out. Chill.”